| Most timing things in Csound run at k-rate not a-rate. Unless your timings
are always exact multiples of a k-frame you'll find inaccuracies. Try
running with kr=sr and see if the problem goes away.
At 8:48 AM +0000 12/21/98, Pedro Batista wrote:
>Hey all
>I've been working on a sequencer-like instr, and was using Pinkston's method
>with timeout and reinit for the individual 'notes'. I came accross a problem
>with the timout durations not being exactly those as the idur parameter
>As an example I've isolated the problem in the following orc/sco. This
>should play 2 bars at 135bpm (32 notes 16thnotes). The resulting audio file
>should last for 3.555 seconds, and loop perfectly. It doesnt!, instead I end
>up with a slighty longer file (chopped off at 3.555, the expected instr
>duration), with a tempo of 132.3 ...
>With a bit of gymnastics, I included a correction factor for the beat
>duration (in this case .98), which if you uncomment the line 'ibeat = ibeat
>* .98', will make things work as expected with this tempo. Other tempos
>require other corrections, with 60bpm being almost precise.
>and then if I call several instances of the instrument (thats what Im doing
>in the real instrument, something similar to Hans Mikelson's drummach) they
>wont be in synch, each own drifting its own amount.
>So my question: am I missing something, or is there some uncontrolable
>timeout latency? I tryed several variations, two diff versions (v3.47 and
>v3.49 pc) without success.
>It seems to me that the timout interval is being delayed by some cents
>(maybe processing time within the instrument...?) If so, is there any work
>around or am I doomed to work at 60bpm?
>Thanks in advance
>sr = 44100
>kr = 441
>ksmps = 100
> instr 1
>iamptab = p4
>itempo = p5
>ibeat = 60/itempo ;this should be it..
>;ibeat = ibeat*.98 ; ..but
>iseq = 0
>idur = .25*ibeat ;duration is 1/4th of beat
>;vary amps of consecutive notes to make it more interesting
>iamp table iseq, iamptab, 0, 0, 1
>iseq = iseq+1
>;just some sound burst
>kenv linseg 0, idur/8 , 1, idur/4, 1, idur/8, 0, idur/2, 0
>aout rand 10000
> out kenv*iamp*aout
> timout 0, idur, cont
> reinit ini
>cont: endin
>f1 0 4 -2 1 .4 .3 .7 ; amp table for the four 16th notes within a beat
>;# t d amptab tempo
>i1 0 3.555 1 135 ; output tempo is 132.3 !?
Erik Spjut (spyoot, rhymes with cute) - Associate Professor of Engineering
and Associate Director for Engineering Computing, Center for Design Education
Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, CA 91711-5990 USA
Erik_Spjut@hmc.edu Ph & Voice mail (909) 607-3890 Fax (909) 621-8967