| Message written at 06 Oct 1998 02:41:27 -0400
--- Copy of mail to OP101@mercury.anglia.ac.uk ---
In-reply-to: (message from Olivier Pasquet
on Mon, 05 Oct 1998 16:57:33 +0100)
>>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier Pasquet writes:
Olivier> Hello,
Olivier> I am trying to relink CSound with a new opcode.
I have added 3 this week while at ICMC; join the club!
Olivier> I have tryed the example in the CSound help file but I cannot make it working.
Olivier> It says there is an error in "cs.h".
Olivier> 1. What am I doing wrong?
Using a cr*p compiler? Using Macintosh files on a PC? You do not say
what platform so it is hard to comment. PLEASE everyone, if you have
problems SAY WHAT PLATFORM. I have rebuild with VC++ v4.0 many times
this week, and that was never an error message I have seen.
As managing director of a commercial compiler writing you should shoot
the author of that compiler. That is not a message any of Codemist's
compiler would produce; end comercial
Olivier> 2. Are there other examples somewhere?
All over! My web page has soem of my works which you may not like but
they render
Olivier> 3. Why are you not programming in C++?
a) Because Csound is written in C
b) C++ is a ghastly language with a horrendous
c) C+ was not invented when Csound was written
d) I dislike C++
e) Why are you not programming in LISP aka Gods-own-language?
f) ...fill in the other 100 reasons yourself
Olivier> 4. What kind of compiler do you advice me? I am currently using:
Olivier> miracle.............. It does not miracles at all.
Never heard of it! Apart from using my compiler (on Acorn and SGI), I
have used SGI, gcc, Lattice, Zortech, Symantecs, Micro$oft,
CodeWarrior, and probably others I forget. It does rather depend on
your processor though!
(Sorry, it is late and this Laphroig is good)