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Re: PERL Csound module

Date1998-05-30 22:43
FromCharles Baker
SubjectRe: PERL Csound module
Dave Phillips wrote:

> Greetings:
>   I recently installed a new 5.2 G hard disk just for Linux, and I want
> to install some packages I never had room for. I'm very interested in
> your Csound module, so I thought I'd ask you: how do I go about getting
> PERL, is there a particular version I should have, and what's the status
> of the Tk binding ?
>   TIA !

Dave, et. al.:
Tk binding in pTk ("perl/tk") perl module is full Tk & Tix APIs, embedded
in Perl.
I love Perl for it's flexibility & power and it's practical bent.
It functions with both  a simple procedural "c-like" syntax, and as a
fully object oriented syntax with incapsulation, inheiritance, and
The regular expression engine is like having a super embedded grep program,
the the finest in existance. The syntax is simple and "bare",
and can lend itself to obsfucated programming of the worst type, but
when one wants the code to be readable,with a little work,
it can be a model of clean,readable code.  The O'Reilly Perl books
"Programming Perl"  (really the language definition)
"Learning Perl" (great intro)
"Advanced Perl Programming" (my vote for best computer book of the decade!)

are models of clarity, humor, and accuracy.
For a final sale point: Perl is the language of most of the commercial web:
the dominant Apache webserver has an extremely powerful Perl interpreter
inside it(modperl)...it is this that handles the brunt of commercial CGI
serving: it is perhaps the most scalable CGI solution there is.
So, join the Camel faithful: pick up Perl! (also available for
Win32 and Mac, and I'm sure the windoze version has the Tk extension
as standard equiptment..so you're already totally "cross platform"!)

I think Perl 5.004 is *totally* worth the disk space!

Char lieB

Charlie Baker              baker@charlieb.com
"Das Ewig-Weibliche Zieht uns hinan." Goethe