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Csound Magazine Call for Contributions

Date1999-06-04 04:27
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectCsound Magazine Call for Contributions
Hi all,

I'm starting to put together the summer issue of Csound Magazine.  If you
would like to contribute please let me know.  I would greatly appreciate any
help I get.  The more contributions I get the longer I will be able to
publish the 'zine.

Right now I am working on some cover art.  If someone would like to donate
some cover art that would be nice.  I think I may write the beginners column
on envelopes and the effects column on delays although I would welcome
contributions on these.  I could really use help with columns on Internals,
Synthesis, and Real-time.  Any feature articles would also be welcome.

Columns should describe a single instrument or topic.  They need only be
about one page long.  Features should be a little longer and may be on any
Csound related topic.

I always wanted to have a featured composition but so far I have not
received any.  A feature article on composition might be nice if someone
would like to put together some of the thoughts in the recent discussion on
composition into a single article.

Rick Boulanger promised me some disk space on the MIT web site for storing
the back issues and possibly other forms of the magazine, like a PDF version
and a plain text version.  (I hope this will still be possible?)  I would
need help creating the PDF version.

I'll try to put the magazine together by June 15 and will publish the issue
on July 1.

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Hans Mikelson