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Multichannel outs

Date1998-06-08 01:22
FromGraeme Gerrard
SubjectMultichannel outs
I am interested in generating multichannel output files with Csound (i.e. 
> quad).
Is there a way of doing this with Csound?

I am thinking of 2 approaches; either have Csound create and write to
multiple 1 channel files e.g. filename01.aif, filename02.aif ...etc.
or a single multichannel file eg. with 16 or even 32 channels.
I know I can achieve the same thing with multiple pass compilations and a
lot of fiddling around, but I would prefer to just generate my samples and
distribute them over the channels in a single compilation.
What about:

amultiout chan, samp 

Graeme Gerrard
Resonant Multimedia
ph. 6 13 9525 7869
"Somebody's been putting something in my food to make me paranoid." - PKD

Date1998-06-08 16:44
FromMicheal Allen Thompson
SubjectRe: Multichannel outs
I have a version of csound that generates 8 channel files. It runs on

http://people.unt.edu/~mat0001/index.html follow the links to the
download page.

On Mon, 8 Jun 1998, Graeme Gerrard wrote:

> I am interested in generating multichannel output files with Csound (i.e. 
> > quad).
> Is there a way of doing this with Csound?
> I am thinking of 2 approaches; either have Csound create and write to
> multiple 1 channel files e.g. filename01.aif, filename02.aif ...etc.
> or a single multichannel file eg. with 16 or even 32 channels.
> I know I can achieve the same thing with multiple pass compilations and a
> lot of fiddling around, but I would prefer to just generate my samples and
> distribute them over the channels in a single compilation.
> What about:
> amultiout chan, samp 
> ---------------
> Graeme Gerrard
> Resonant Multimedia
> ph. 6 13 9525 7869
> "Somebody's been putting something in my food to make me paranoid." - PKD

Date1998-06-10 18:37
SubjectRe: Multichannel outs
You already have quad output.  Due to the internal structure a
multiple output opcode as you seem to suggest is rather hard. There is
clearly a need/desire for 6 channels, but that is not an task to be
undertaken lightly.
