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Re: GENDY???

Date1998-11-25 11:39
FromJosep M Comajuncosas
SubjectRe: GENDY???
Olivier Pasquet wrote:

> <<< I sometime (only) think the same thing. Although spectra cannot be
> forgotten, there are lots of other representations (...)

> These analysis are not obliged to be 100% scientific (natural?) in order to be
> usable by


> That's a bit similar to the atonal and tonal music.

This is an interesting thread... some people talk about the expressive superiority
of tonal music based on its "natural" basis. Though difficult to prove, maybe we
think something is natural just because we´ve been always used to it. But hey,
make a waveform with 12 serialised amplitude values, with inversions,
retrogradations an so on (a plausible compositional approach) : you -everybody-
will only hear white noise.We as composers do require a socially "accepted" basis
to make our music understandable (even by ourselves), this basis is always
extended thancks to composers who deny the preexisting rules ...
But we are phisically - and intellectually- someway limited ;-)

Josep M Comajuncosas