| My apologies to those who recieve this twice. It looked like not all of this
made it through the first time.
Here is the "non-MIDI" instr. As you can see the only p references are to p4
and p5, easily changeable to veloc and notnum. Sorry I didn't include it in
my original post as I was at work. I have tried this version, without MIDI,
and I am now getting the same error, so it must be somewhere in my code.
sr = 44100
kr = 4410
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 1
;f1 0 2048 10 1 ;sine wave
;f2 0 2049 5 1 256 .667 1792 .0001 ;exp env
instr 4 ;Drum Kit
iamp = p4*10
inote = p5
if inote==36 goto Kick
if inote==38 goto Snare
if inote==42 goto HHat
goto end
ifdur = .00125
kenv linseg 0, .001, 1, .001, 1, .002, .4, .246, 0
kfrq expseg 75, ifdur, 50, .25-ifdur, 25
alow oscil kenv*iamp, kfrq, 1
alow butterlp alow, 1000
kamp linseg 0, .001, .15, .002, 0, .247, 0
anrnd rand kamp
anoiz oscil anrnd*iamp, 200, 1
asig = alow+anoiz
goto end
kenv linseg 0, .001, iamp, .01, iamp, .015, iamp*.3, .015, 0
kpch linseg 750, .002, 600, .004, 400
asnr oscil kenv, kpch, 1
k1 expseg iamp*.45, .18, .001
k2 gauss 10000
a1 oscil k1, k2, 1
anoiz = a1
asig = asnr+anoiz
arev reverb2 asig, .26, 1
arev butterlp arev, 4000
asig = asig+arev*.08
goto end
idur = 0.3335
ifrq = 15000
k4 linseg 1, idur-.05, 1, .05, 0, .01, 0
ks oscili iamp, idur, 2
ar randi ks, ifrq
a1 atone ar, ks+ifrq
a1 balance a1, ar
a1 oscili a1, ifrq, 1
asig = k4*a1
goto end
out asig |