| Hi folks. The orc/sco combo below uses phasor and timout to produce
streams of notes at rates independent of p3. This method was suggested
to me some time ago by Jean Piche in response to my lamentations regarding
difficulties in generating repeating rhythmic patterns using standard
csound techniques. His original version used the pluck ugen which has its
own built-in
amplitude envelope, but I want to be able to use a standard oscili set-up.
Unfortunately this introduces some clicking and popping of envelopes. Using
oscil1 usually fixes these problems up, but, on the SGIs here, it just results
in core dump, and experiments with linseg etc meet the same fate.
If anyone has any ideas, I'm all ears.
The score was produced with Andre Bartetski's CMASK.
I've left in Mr Piche's experiments with Tulips.
;This orchestra is an attempt at realising pitch and onset-time
;using Markov processes. The current problem has to do
;with clicking of envelopes A.D. Hanna
sr = 44100
kr = 882
ksmps = 50
nchnls = 2
ga1 init 0
instr 1
itablesize = 32 ;pitch tables 2 and 3 are indexed from 0 to 31
iratchoose = p9 ;determines which of two tempos are used
;A neat way to represent Markov chains.
;Choose between two subsets of the set "furniture"
if (iratchoose == 0) igoto furniture.to.sit.on
if (iratchoose == 1) igoto furniture.to.put.stuff.in
;being here depends on outcome of p9
kindex phasor p5*p6
kenv linen 1,.001,1/p5,1/p5*.5
inotechoose = p8
;Choose between two pitch tables
;the second of which is a transposition
;of the first in the order of 1 semitone.
if (inotechoose == 1) igoto chair
if (inotechoose == 0) igoto sofa
chair: ;being here depends on the outcome of p9 and p8
ipitch table i(kindex)*itablesize,2
igoto resume
sofa: ;being here depends on the outcome of p9 and p8
ipitch table i(kindex)*itablesize,3
igoto resume
timout 0,1/p5,pluckatulip
reinit plantatulip
;being here depends on outcome of p9
kindex phasor (p5*p6)*1.125 ;varies phase of lfo vs beat
;thus creating melodic patterns
kenv linen 1,.001,1/p5,1/p5*.5
inotechoose = p8
if (inotechoose == 1) igoto bookcase
if (inotechoose == 0) igoto wardrobe
bookcase: ;being here depends on the outcome of p9 and p8
ipitch table i(kindex)*itablesize,2
igoto continue
wardrobe: ;being here depends on the outcome of p9 and p8
ipitch table i(kindex)*itablesize,3
igoto continue
timout 0,1/p5,pluckatulip
reinit plantadaisy
a2 oscili ampdb(p4)*kenv,cpspch(ipitch+p7),1 ;p7 = octave transposition
outs a2,a2
instr 50
kfreq expseg 0.01,p3*.2,.4,p3*.2,1,p3*.2,1.5,p3*.2,.1,p3*.2,.05
k1 oscili .5,kfreq*p4,1 ;kfreq*p4=cps of pan
k2 = .5+k1
k3 = 1-k2
a1 reverb2 ga1,2.1,.5
outs k2*a1,a1*k3*(-1)
f1 0 8192 10 1
f2 0 64 -2 7.10 7.02 7.07 8.05 9.02 7.05 8.10 8.02 7.07 8.07 8.05 8.02 8.10
9.02 7.07 9.07 8.00 7.02 8.02 8.10 7.07 7.05 8.00 8.02 9.02 9.02 8.10 7.07
8.05 9.02 8.02 9.07
f3 0 64 -2 7.11 7.03 7.08 8.06 9.03 7.06 8.11 8.03 7.08 8.08 8.06 8.03 8.11
9.03 7.08 9.08 8.01 7.03 8.03 8.11 7.08 7.06 8.01 8.03 9.03 9.03 8.11 7.06
8.06 9.03 8.03 9.08
i50 0 28 10
; ------- begin of field 1 --- seconds: 0.00 - 28.00 --------
;ins time dur p4 p5 p6 p7 p8 p9
i1 0 0.25 65 3.29 0.46 -1 0 1
i1 0.25 0.375 65 3.36 0.78 1 1 0
i1 0.625 1 65 6.95 0.39 1 1 1
i1 1.625 1.25 65 3.32 0.53 -1 1 0
i1 2.75 0.25 65 4.2 0.86 1 0 1
i1 3.75 1.25 65 7.36 0.15 1 0 0
i1 4.125 1 65 6.2 0.99 -1 0 0
i1 4.375 0.375 65 1.12 0.69 1 0 0
i1 4.75 0.25 65 4.28 0.42 -1 0 1
i1 5.75 0.375 65 1.69 0.18 1 0 1
i1 6.875 1 65 8.19 0.91 1 1 0
i1 7.875 1.25 65 3.28 0.34 -1 0 1
i1 8.25 0.25 65 3.3 0.11 1 0 0
i1 8.5 1.25 65 1.97 1 1 1 0
i1 8.875 1 65 2.82 0.11 -1 0 0
i1 9.875 0.375 65 3.4 0.21 1 1 0
i1 11 0.25 65 3.01 0.97 1 1 1
i1 12 0.375 65 5.54 0.18 -1 1 0
i1 12.375 1 65 1.44 0.98 1 1 1
i1 12.625 1.25 65 4.33 0.86 1 1 1
i1 13 0.25 65 6.15 0.77 -1 1 1
i1 14 1.25 65 6.48 0.24 1 1 0
i1 15.125 1 65 3.91 0.62 -1 1 1
i1 16.125 0.375 65 1.12 0.33 1 0 1
i1 16.5 0.25 65 7.43 0.73 1 1 1
i1 16.75 0.375 65 2.59 0.9 -1 0 0
i1 17.125 1 65 5.57 0.13 1 0 1
i1 18.125 1.25 65 4.08 0.77 1 0 0
i1 19.25 0.25 65 8.57 0.37 -1 0 1
i1 20.25 1.25 65 2.42 0.3 1 1 0
i1 20.625 1 65 4.24 0.52 1 0 1
i1 20.875 0.375 65 5.75 0.67 -1 1 1
i1 21.25 0.25 65 1.24 0.64 1 0 0
i1 22.25 0.375 65 8.26 0.75 1 1 0
i1 23.375 1 65 7.23 0.24 -1 0 0
i1 24.375 1.25 65 3.9 0.62 1 1 1
i1 24.75 0.25 65 6.14 0.58 -1 1 0
i1 25 1.25 65 7.11 0.96 1 0 0
i1 25.375 1 65 6.33 0.14 1 1 0
i1 26.375 0.375 65 8.53 0.92 -1 0 0
i1 27.5 0.25 65 7.9 0.4 1 0 1
; ------- end of field 1 --- number of events: 41 -------
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