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21 Band Vocoder Orc/Sco

Date1998-05-30 13:42
FromHans Mikelson
Subject21 Band Vocoder Orc/Sco

Thought I would try my hand at a vocoder.  This score is set up for a
soundin.11 file of 8.69 seconds.

Have fun,
Hans Mikelson

; 21 Band Vocoder
; Coded by Hans Mikelson 5/30/1998
zakinit 50, 50                     ; Initialize the zak system

; Disk Input Stereo
        instr  3

iamp    =      p4                   ; Amplitude
irate   =      p5                   ; Read rate
isndin  =      p6                   ; Sound input file
ioutch1 =      p7                   ; Output channel 1
ioutch2 =      p8                   ; Output channel 2

ain1, ain2 diskin isndin, irate     ; Read stereo input

        zaw    ain1, ioutch1        ; Output to audio channel 1
        zaw    ain2, ioutch2        ; Output to audio channel 2


; Sawtooth (Band Limited Impulse Train)
        instr   4

idur    =       p3                    ; Duration
iamp    =       p4                    ; Amplitude
ifqc    =       cpspch(p5)            ; Note to frequency
ipanl   =       sqrt(p6)              ; Pan left
ipanr   =       sqrt(1-p6)            ; Pan Right
ioutch1 =       p7                    ; Output Channel 1
ioutch2 =       p8                    ; Output Channel 2

kdclik linseg   0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0
apulse buzz     1,ifqc, sr/2/ifqc, 1  ; Avoid aliasing
asawdc integ    apulse                ; Integrating the pulses makes a saw
axn    =        asawdc-.5             ; Shift DC offset

aoutl  =        kdclik*axn*ipanl      ; De-click & pan
aoutr  =        kdclik*axn*ipanr
       zawm     aoutl, ioutch1        ; Write to output channels
       zawm     aoutr, ioutch2


; 21 Band Vocoder
; Derived from Pinkston's Vocoder
       instr     5

iamp    =        p4               ; Amplitude
asigm   zar      p5               ; Modulator
asigc   zar      p6               ; Carrier
ipan    =        p7               ; Pan
ifqc1   =        p8               ; Low Frequency
ifqcf   =        p9               ; High Frequency
ibw     =        p10              ; Bandwidth factor
istep   ipow     p9/p8, .05       ; Find step-size to go from low to high

; Compute the center frequency for each band.
ifqc2   =        ifqc1*istep
ifqc3   =        ifqc2*istep
ifqc4   =        ifqc3*istep
ifqc5   =        ifqc4*istep
ifqc6   =        ifqc5*istep
ifqc7   =        ifqc6*istep
ifqc8   =        ifqc7*istep
ifqc9   =        ifqc8*istep
ifqc10  =        ifqc9*istep
ifqc11  =        ifqc10*istep
ifqc12  =        ifqc11*istep
ifqc13  =        ifqc12*istep
ifqc14  =        ifqc13*istep
ifqc15  =        ifqc14*istep
ifqc16  =        ifqc15*istep
ifqc17  =        ifqc16*istep
ifqc18  =        ifqc17*istep
ifqc19  =        ifqc18*istep
ifqc20  =        ifqc19*istep
ifqc21  =        ifqc20*istep

; Bandpass filter the modulator
am1    butterbp  asigm, ifqc1,   ifqc1/20*ibw
am2    butterbp  asigm, ifqc2,   ifqc2/20*ibw
am3    butterbp  asigm, ifqc3,   ifqc3/20*ibw
am4    butterbp  asigm, ifqc4,   ifqc4/20*ibw
am5    butterbp  asigm, ifqc5,   ifqc5/20*ibw
am6    butterbp  asigm, ifqc6,   ifqc6/20*ibw
am7    butterbp  asigm, ifqc7,   ifqc7/20*ibw
am8    butterbp  asigm, ifqc8,   ifqc8/20*ibw
am9    butterbp  asigm, ifqc9,   ifqc9/20*ibw
am10   butterbp  asigm, ifqc10,  ifqc10/20*ibw
am11   butterbp  asigm, ifqc11,  ifqc11/20*ibw
am12   butterbp  asigm, ifqc12,  ifqc12/20*ibw
am13   butterbp  asigm, ifqc13,  ifqc13/20*ibw
am14   butterbp  asigm, ifqc14,  ifqc14/20*ibw
am15   butterbp  asigm, ifqc15,  ifqc15/20*ibw
am16   butterbp  asigm, ifqc16,  ifqc16/20*ibw
am17   butterbp  asigm, ifqc17,  ifqc17/20*ibw
am18   butterbp  asigm, ifqc18,  ifqc18/20*ibw
am19   butterbp  asigm, ifqc19,  ifqc19/20*ibw
am20   butterbp  asigm, ifqc20,  ifqc20/20*ibw
am21   butterbp  asigm, ifqc21,  ifqc21/20*ibw

; Bandpass filter the carrier
ac1    butterbp  asigc, ifqc1,   ifqc1/20*ibw
ac2    butterbp  asigc, ifqc2,   ifqc2/20*ibw
ac3    butterbp  asigc, ifqc3,   ifqc3/20*ibw
ac4    butterbp  asigc, ifqc4,   ifqc4/20*ibw
ac5    butterbp  asigc, ifqc5,   ifqc5/20*ibw
ac6    butterbp  asigc, ifqc6,   ifqc6/20*ibw
ac7    butterbp  asigc, ifqc7,   ifqc7/20*ibw
ac8    butterbp  asigc, ifqc8,   ifqc8/20*ibw
ac9    butterbp  asigc, ifqc9,   ifqc9/20*ibw
ac10   butterbp  asigc, ifqc10,  ifqc10/20*ibw
ac11   butterbp  asigc, ifqc11,  ifqc11/20*ibw
ac12   butterbp  asigc, ifqc12,  ifqc12/20*ibw
ac13   butterbp  asigc, ifqc13,  ifqc13/20*ibw
ac14   butterbp  asigc, ifqc14,  ifqc14/20*ibw
ac15   butterbp  asigc, ifqc15,  ifqc15/20*ibw
ac16   butterbp  asigc, ifqc16,  ifqc16/20*ibw
ac17   butterbp  asigc, ifqc17,  ifqc17/20*ibw
ac18   butterbp  asigc, ifqc18,  ifqc18/20*ibw
ac19   butterbp  asigc, ifqc19,  ifqc19/20*ibw
ac20   butterbp  asigc, ifqc20,  ifqc20/20*ibw
ac21   butterbp  asigc, ifqc21,  ifqc21/20*ibw

; Balance carrier level to modulator level.
ao1    balance   ac1,  am1
ao2    balance   ac2,  am2
ao3    balance   ac3,  am3
ao4    balance   ac4,  am4
ao5    balance   ac5,  am5
ao6    balance   ac6,  am6
ao7    balance   ac7,  am7
ao8    balance   ac8,  am8
ao9    balance   ac9,  am9
ao10   balance   ac10, am10
ao11   balance   ac11, am11
ao12   balance   ac12, am12
ao13   balance   ac13, am13
ao14   balance   ac14, am14
ao15   balance   ac15, am15
ao16   balance   ac16, am16
ao17   balance   ac17, am17
ao18   balance   ac18, am18
ao19   balance   ac19, am19
ao20   balance   ac20, am20
ao21   balance   ac21, am21

; Add up the carriers and output with panning.
aout   =
+ao18+ao19+ao20+ao21)*iamp/ibw ; <--Put this all on one line
       outs      aout*sqrt(ipan), aout*sqrt(1-ipan)


; Zak Clear
          instr 99

          zacl 0, 50
          zkcl 0, 50


f1 0 8192 10 1

;   Sta  Dur   Amp  Rate  In  Out1  Out2
i3  0    8.69  1    1     11  1     2

;   Sta  Dur   Amp    Fqc   Pan  Out1  Out2
i4  0    4.1   10000  7.04  .5   3     4
i4  0    4.1   10000  7.07  .5   3     4
i4  0    4.1   10000  8.00  .5   3     4
i4  0    4.1   10000  8.05  .5   3     4
i4  4    4.59  10000  6.10  .5   3     4
i4  4    4.59  10000  7.03  .5   3     4
i4  4    4.59  10000  8.07  .5   3     4
i4  4    4.59  10000  9.00  .5   3     4

;   Sta  Dur   Amp  InM  InC  Pan  LowFqc HiFqc  Width
i5  0    8.69  1.0  1    3    1    200    4000   .2
i5  0    8.69  1.0  2    4    0    200    4000   .2

;   Sta  Dur
i99 0    8.69

Date1998-05-31 15:01
SubjectRe: 21 Band Vocoder Orc/Sco
On Sat, 30 May 1998, Hans Mikelson wrote:

> Hi,
> Thought I would try my hand at a vocoder.  This score is set up for a
> soundin.11 file of 8.69 seconds.

I actually wrote a VB thing that lets u specify 2 sound files, mod and 
carrier, as well as sliders for the freq and width of each band.  The 
bands are seperate for mod and carrier so you can map diff frequencies to 
strange places.  It generates score and orc files, runs csound and plays 
the sound file.  Might be worth doing a websearch for 'Matt's Shoddy 
Vocoder'.  I'll dig it out at some point.  Currently nursing a broken 
collar bone and typing one handed so it's all a bit tricky..


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Subject: MIDI to Csound Conversion
Date: Sun, 31 May 98 19:39:38 +0000
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From: Drew Skyfyre 
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Hailing Frequencies Open .

I'm looking for advice re: converting multi-track MIDI files to Csound 
scores.I've come across some Csound specfic apps for this on the 'bahn 
and would appreciate opinions about which tools you've used and have had 
success with.

I'll be getting Finale soon (I hope) and would like to be able to  
convert  the resulting MIDI files to Csound scores with minimum pain.

Terry Cast wrote:
>converting MIDI files to scores that meets at least some of the following 
>1. reliably translates channel number to instrument number, and velocity and
>note number to given p-fields;
>2. optionally translates pitch-bend, aftertouch, continuous controllers, 
>to user-definable p-fields;
>3. translates tempos;
>4. allows the user to convert selected tracks and/or measures (so the entire
>song isn't compiled, to save time).

This seems like a reasonable first wish list.

BTW,I'm on a PowerMac.


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From: Fernando Rodrigues 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
    Csound List 
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Subject: Csound 3.47 crashes on PowerMac with MacOS 8.0 ???
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Dear Csounders:
I recently upgraded to MacOS 8. Generally, I am more than happy, since my
old PowerMac 7100 seems to be smoother and faster. However, I am
experiencing a strange behaviour with Csound. I have two versions, being one
the "Mills" version. I also have Cecilia v2.0.2, which came with version
I trashed all other "Perf" versions, as advised by the authors of Cecilia,
and replaced the version in Csound folder by the new one (the other - "Mac
csound PPC" remains the same, but, since this is just a front end... or am I
I also have another version called Csound PPC (the icon is like a C crossed
by a rainbow). I don't remember where did I got that one, but I also used
it, with the same results.
Now - what happens: as soon as I try to compile anything, it reads the score
perfectly, then displays a message telling it is loading the orchestra and
I had realtime audio switched on, and switched it off now, but the computer
still hangs.
Does anyone out there experienced something like this? And what is the
possible solution for it? Look forward to hear from you.

Fernando Manuel Rodrigues
Consultant for Electronic and Computer Music
MIDI and Digital Audio

Make sure you visit our site: http://www.ruvina.pt
Don't forget to add a link to it.

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Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 12:18:52 -0500 (CDT)
From: Micheal Allen Thompson 
To: Drew Skyfyre 
Cc: Contribute 
Subject: Re: Why Csound ?/Hardware v/s Software
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depends on your compositional style... The stuff I do I cant use MIDI or 


On Sun, 31 May 1998, Drew Skyfyre wrote:

> Wotcha !
> The foll. is a personal opinion :-)
> Gotta say something about the hardware v/s software thing 
> though,especially in light of the responses to  Kay 's "Why Csound" 
> question.Software solutions still have a way to go.We're 
> at the first generation of systems approaching resonable real-time 
> performance on personal computers.
> And from what I've seen so far ,Csound is in need of a comprehensive 
> rewrite,especially the Mac version.according to recent posts.Oui,non ?
> IMO, you still have to have at least one reasonably powerful (as in lots 
> of real-time parameter control via MIDI) hardware multi-timbral 
> ,polyphonic synthesizer.It's asking for trouble 
> to rely only on software synths.Especially if you're a professional or 
> just need quick,good results.This does not mean you have to get the 
> latest and greatest.Look in the used synth market.Great bargains out 
> there (especially Yamaha FM synths).
> My approach is to put together an approximation of a composition with a 
> hardware synth,and then go about synthesizing exotic and complex 
> instrument parts in software systems (Csound,etc.) to better represent 
> the music I hear in my head.
> BTW,anyone (everyone :-))in the market for a synth,stc,be sure to look up 
> the user comments sections at  &  also either 
> at or  (not sure which).Invaluable 
> stuff.
> Oh,and about :
> >=cw4t7abs 
> >To: Csound list 
> >
> >www.symbolicsound.com
> >
> >>Any comments, in private or on list, would be more than welcome.
> What the hell do you want us to say ? Wish  we all had a Kyma so we could 
> ? Have you completely lost your mind ? Loopey to the tonsils,what ?
> Is tezcat.com a crackpot domain ? Get a grip for crying out loud !
> Cheers,
> Drew

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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Ensonic Paris
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From: Mary A Hestand 
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 13:18:34 EDT
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Dear Csounders,

In response to the query about Ensonic's Paris system there is a review
in Keyboard Magazine,  July Issue (and it ain't even June).  A nice long
review which condensed:

PCI board with 6 chips for mixing and effects for either Mac or Wintel
Three versions of In/Out hardware -
a:  Stereo i/o box
b:  quad i/o,  S/PDFI i/o rackmount
c:  modular rackmount box with the b already in place and 9 expansion
slots for 8 in or out 24 bits expansion, ADAT lightpipe i/o
16 channel fader table top with knobs for  aux and eq and transport
recording/mixing software Mac or Wintel  - up to 24 bits but  no built in
Separate lite versions of Wavelab or Bias stereo editing software,
although you can't run it through Paris' outputs.
Can run all 16 channels on a133MHz PC or 150 MHz Mac with 4 eq's on each
channel plus 8 subs (such as reverb)  or 16 channel inserts such as
(compressors) in realtime with the PCI board doing the work - effects are
like Ensonic's effect boxes. 
Can play a total 128 tracks at once, though all but 16 are premixed.
Add as many PCI boards as your computer can hold, each playing 16 tracks
as above.

The reviewer stated that mixing a voice over project was kludgy, but that
a recording project worked great, esp. being able to mix with the fader
box - almost like analog.

Alan Tubbs/Mary Hestand
BadDog Productions

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Subject: Re: Csound 3.47 crashes on PowerMac with MacOS 8.0 ???
From: Daniel Fattorini 
To: Fernando Rodrigues , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
    Csound List 
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I had similar problems and solved them by allocating more memory to csound
using apple/i (get info).

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Subject: Low cost Multi-track Software for Macs ?
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 98 02:59:43 +0000
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Hi All,

Anyone know of any low cost multitrack audio recording software for 
PowerMacs , especially shareware ? Seems a pretty simple thing to 
implement  in faster PowerMacs,so I was surprised to not be able to  find 
any on the 'bahn.Digidesign's old $200 Session seems to have vanished.
In case anyone's interested,Macromedia's anounced it's discontinuing 
Deck-II,something about integrating the technology into some other 
multimedia product.
Digital Performer  and the like I cannot afford, given my already 
stretched <d. budget .

I'm also hoping Event electronics gets the Mac drivers for it's amazingly 
low cost PCI digital audio boards  done soon.They're at  
in case anyone wants to go bug them about it.

Thanks in advance,

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Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 20:16:04 -0400 (EDT)
From: Burton Alexandre 
Subject: Re: Low cost Multi-track Software for Macs ?
To: Drew Skyfyre 
Cc: Contribute 
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On Mon, 1 Jun 1998, Drew Skyfyre wrote:
> Anyone know of any low cost multitrack audio recording software for 
> PowerMacs , especially shareware ? Seems a pretty simple thing to 
> implement  in faster PowerMacs,so I was surprised to not be able to  find 
> any on the 'bahn.Digidesign's old $200 Session seems to have vanished.
> In case anyone's interested,Macromedia's anounced it's discontinuing 
> Deck-II,something about integrating the technology into some other 
> multimedia product.
> Digital Performer  and the like I cannot afford, given my already 
> stretched <d. budget .

 I don't know if the offer still stands, but Digidesing was (this winter) 
giving away CD's of ProTools3.4 along with the ProMix driver (that 
enables Protools to run without hardware). It only has EQ builtin, 
though. On a 7300/180 i was getting a solid 16 tracks (the realtime maximum 
allowed by ProMix). Check on their web site, i got mine in the mail by 
filling a form there.

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Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 18:29:02 -0700
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To: Fernando Rodrigues 
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
    Csound List 
Subject: Re: Csound 3.47 crashes on PowerMac with MacOS 8.0 ???
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I had a lot of problems with this, the same as you are having.  You need
to go to the Mills site and download the latest versions of Perf and
Csound.  I recall that it was a bit  difficult to find the latest
versions.  Another problem I had was that text files you use must by in
Macintosh format; use your editor to resave Unix or DOS text files to
Mac format;  the other platforms insert different characters at the end
of lines that tend to screw things up.  I hope this helps.

Fernando Rodrigues wrote:
> Dear Csounders:
> I recently upgraded to MacOS 8. Generally, I am more than happy, since my
> old PowerMac 7100 seems to be smoother and faster. However, I am
> experiencing a strange behaviour with Csound. I have two versions, being one
> the "Mills" version. I also have Cecilia v2.0.2, which came with version
> 3.47
> I trashed all other "Perf" versions, as advised by the authors of Cecilia,
> and replaced the version in Csound folder by the new one (the other - "Mac
> csound PPC" remains the same, but, since this is just a front end... or am I
> wrong?).
> I also have another version called Csound PPC (the icon is like a C crossed
> by a rainbow). I don't remember where did I got that one, but I also used
> it, with the same results.
> Now - what happens: as soon as I try to compile anything, it reads the score
> perfectly, then displays a message telling it is loading the orchestra and
> hangs.
> I had realtime audio switched on, and switched it off now, but the computer
> still hangs.
> Does anyone out there experienced something like this? And what is the
> possible solution for it? Look forward to hear from you.
> Fernando Manuel Rodrigues
> Consultant for Electronic and Computer Music
> MIDI and Digital Audio
> Make sure you visit our site: http://www.ruvina.pt
> Don't forget to add a link to it.

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Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 22:28:23 -0400
From: Carlton Wilkinson 
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What are the latest prices in ProTools? Did they drop at all? The card,
software, interface, et al.
Carlton Joseph Wilkinson

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From: "Matt J. Ingalls" 
To: David Meckstroth 
Cc: Fernando Rodrigues , csound@maths.ex.ac.uk, 
    Csound List 
Subject: Re: Csound 3.47 crashes on PowerMac with MacOS 8.0 ???
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> to go to the Mills site and download the latest versions of Perf and
> Csound.  I recall that it was a bit  difficult to find the latest

	the two you want are at:	ftp://mills.edu/ccm/csound.ppc

			files:		perf3.47(beta3) and

once dave gets back in town all files, documentation will be cleaned up.
(and a new version)
sorry for the confusion.


P.S.  some whining: in my opinion, Mills 
College is undeservedly associated/credited with the "Mills" 
CSound version.  

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I just got the pro-tools Powermix and audio-media package (AMIII card and
Pro-tools 4 software) which is now =A3400 giving you the software free.
There's 16 tracks of playback and 2 recording but it isn't TDM. However I
would recommend it as it's got great editing and the sync etc is much bette=
than VST.

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Date: Mon, 1 Jun 1998 04:04:48 -0600
To: Csound list 
From: =cw4t7abs 
Subject: 4 400 16 
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>I just got the pro-tools Powermix and audio-media package (AMIII card and
>Pro-tools 4 software

protoolz zukx

>) which is now =A3400 giving you the software free.
>There's 16 tracks of playback


>and 2 recording but it isn't TDM.

tdm zukx

>However I
>would recommend it as it's got great editing and the sync etc is much bette=
>than VST.

vst zukx

From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: zarmzarm@hotmail.com
CC: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
In-reply-to: <19980529224049.7205.qmail@hotmail.com> (message from Paul
	Winkler on Fri, 29 May 1998 15:40:48 PDT)
Subject: Re: Possible errors in Csound 3.48b HTML manual
BCC: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
References:  <19980529224049.7205.qmail@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 98 12:58:52 BST
Sender: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.

doscil is an Extended Csound opcode I think, for drum sounds.
Should not be in the manual (without a star at least)

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From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
To: zarmzarm@hotmail.com
Cc: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
In-Reply-To: <19980529224049.7205.qmail@hotmail.com> (message from Paul
	Winkler on Fri, 29 May 1998 15:40:48 PDT)
Subject: Re: Possible errors in Csound 3.48b HTML manual
References:  <19980529224049.7205.qmail@hotmail.com>
Date: Mon, 1 Jun 98 12:58:52 BST
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doscil is an Extended Csound opcode I think, for drum sounds.
Should not be in the manual (without a star at least)