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Re: Ties

Date1998-12-27 03:11
FromKirsh Family
SubjectRe: Ties
jmdbrady@club-internet.fr wrote:
> Hi,
> I can't find any precise information about making ties between two notes.
> The manual only says:" p1 instrument number[...] An optional fractional part
> can provide an additional tag for specifying ties between particular notes." 
> I've tried unsuccessfully.
> How can I make it?
> Thanks for any help.
> Jean-Michel DARRÉMONT

It just so happens that I have been exploring exactly this question myself,
and I think I've got it pretty well figured out.  Included below is a simple
example orchestra and score that illustrates how to do portamento between
notes that are tied, but to just play the note strictly with its given pitch
if it's not tied.  The score also uses the fractional instrument number
feature to show polyphonic portamento.

				David Kirsh

---- Begin example orchestra -------
sr	= 44100
kr	= 882
ksmps	= 50
nchnls	= 1

; Demonstration of portamento between tied notes
; This technique could be applied to other parameters and to
; non-tied notes with straightforward changes.
instr 5
	inote	= cpspch(p4)  ; This note's pitch

	; If this is not a tied note, then there's no previous
	; pitch to glide from, so set beginning pitch of
	; portamento to this note's pitch.  Then save this same
	; pitch in 'iprevpitch' so we can remember what pitch we
	; are coming from when we have a tied note.  We have to
	; save it both here and in the tied note case because if
	; we do it in a common place below, Csound complains about
	; iprevpitch being used before set.
	tigoto	tieinit

	; At this point we know we're not in a tied note.
	; Set beginning and previous pitches to the same thing.
	ibegpitch	= inote
	iprevpitch	= inote
	goto		cont

	; We're in a tied note.
	; Set up beginning pitch for portamento to new pitch.
	; Beginning pitch is pitch of previous note that this one is
	; tied onto the end of.  Save current pitch in case another
	; note ties onto this one; then we'll be able to portamento
	; again to that new pitch.
	ibegpitch	= iprevpitch
	iprevpitch	= inote

	; Now set up a pitch envelope that moves from the beginning
	; pitch (as determined above) to this note's nominal pitch.
	kpitchenv	linseg	ibegpitch, .9, inote, abs(p3), inote

	; Generate a sound using the pitch envelope.  Notice the
	; last 'buzz' argument (-1), which causes phase
	; initialization to be skipped.  This is important to avoid
	; clicks on tied notes.  (This simple example clicks on
	; untied notes, though, because there's no amplitude
	; envelope.)
	a1	buzz	10000, kpitchenv, 6, 1, -1
	out	a1

----- Begin example score -------
; A Little Test Music
f1 0 1025 10 1
i5.1	0.0	-2	7.00
i5.2	0.0	-2	7.04
i5.1	2.0	-2	7.07
i5.2	2.0	-2	7.11
i5.1	4.0	-2	6.07
i5.2	4.0	-2	7.00
i5.1	6.0	2	7.00
i5.2	6.0	2	6.00

Date1999-01-04 10:33
FromAndreas Schoter

Just before Christmas I downloaded the Silence material - I've just tried
to revisit the site only to find that the URL has died.  Does anyone know
what has happened to this?

Many Thanks


                                     Dr Andreas Schöter, Intertrader Ltd

Date1999-01-04 20:13
FromJens Reimer
SubjectRe: Silence?
On Mon, 04 Jan 1999 10:33:11 +0000, you wrote:
the following url is ok, because i downloaded the new silence version some days

Und Tschüss
Jens Reimer
