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Re: Windows Specific flags

Date1998-12-01 21:05
FromJamie Bullock
SubjectRe: Windows Specific flags
What are the two Mac versions - I was only aware of the 'Berry/Ingalls' one.
The reason why I ask is that I was wondering whether there is there a Mac
version with working k-rate midi opcodes? If not, would it possible for
someone to make them work ... I would really appreciate this.


Jamie B.

-----Original Message-----
From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk 
Date: 01 December 1998 13:07
Subject: Re: Windows Specific flags

>Message written at 01 Dec 1998 10:52:01 +0000
>May I atempt to explain about the +- flags?  In an e-discussion about
>the proliferation of flags in different versions of Csound some of us
>decided/discussed using +- for build-specific flags so they would not
>confuse the general system.
>  We have 2 or 3 PC variants, 2 macintosh, XTC, 2 Linux and a SGI/SUN
>to control now.
>==John ffitch

Date1998-12-02 15:19
SubjectRe: Windows Specific flags
Sorry to disappoint, but teh other Mac system is the one I
occasionally build, and as far as I am aware is still the only one for
68K-Mac.  My version s a direct descendent of the Paris-MIT code. It
uses the same sources as Matt uses (I hope!)