Csound for linux version 3.482.1a is available from the AIMI site in Italy
ftp://musart.dist.unige.it/pub/CSOUND and will shortly be mirrored by
Dave Phillips at his repository ftp://mustec.bgsu.edu/pub/linux.
In addition to the features of the canonical 3.482 version, this version
- fixes for diskin bugs [Nicola Bernardini]
- fixes for orchestra parser bugs [Nicola Bernardini and Robin Whittle]
- glibc patches [Robin Whittle and Damien Miller]
- standard autoconf configuration script [Nicola Bernardini and Damien Miller]
(you know, all the ./configure business...)
- new random generator with 31 bit Park Miller Pseudo Random Number
Generator - bipolar xbunirand family opcodes added [Robin Whittle]
Standard configuration allows dynamic linking of executables with
small footprint. Versions with and without X11 are also available
and static, debugging and profiling versions can be built easily
out of the distributed sources.
Nicola Bernardini
E-mail: nicb@axnet.it
Re graphics: A picture is worth 10K words -- but only those to describe
the picture. Hardly any sets of 10K words can be adequately described
with pictures. |