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Date1999-07-25 03:46
FromMatti Khler-Busch

Greetings all

I would attempt this myself, but I am very new to CSound....does anyone
have a .orc that simulates a Digeridoo, that they would be willing to
give me? Or any insights for coding one such a file?

Many thanks.


6669the RaabidMuttn Speaks6999

Date1999-07-26 14:29
SubjectRe: Digeridoo
>From my archives....

; This patch generates the sound of a didjerido 
; by means of wave shaping....

;	Michel Peters
; Utrecht School of the Arts
; dep. Musictechnology
; course year MT-t-1  94/95


		instr	1

kenv1	linseg	0, .1*p3, 1, .8*p3, 1, p3*.1,	0 ;/--\(FADE IN/OUT)

klfo1	randi	.02,	20,	.123
klfo2	randi	.02,	10,	.23
klfo3	randi	500,	5,	.67
anoise	rand	.05			            ;NOISE
asin1	oscili	.3+klfo2,	p5+klfo1,	1	;FREQ+LFO'S
awave1	tablei	asin1,		2,	1,	.5	;WAVESHAPING/SQA.+RES.
afilter	reson	awave1+anoise,1000,	1000+klfo3
abal	balance	afilter,awave1
		outs	abal*kenv1*p4,abal*kenv1*p4

; a test-score for the wave shaped didge

f1 0 1024 10 1
f2 0 1024 7 0 32 1 32 .7 64 .9 54 .6 64 1 54 .7 64 1 44 .8 84 .6 40 -.6 84 -.8 
44 -1 64 -.7 54 -1 64 -.6 54 -.9 64 -.7 32 -1 32 0

;instr	 start	 dur	 amp	  freq
i1       0       5       29000     65