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Re: Neural Nets

Date1999-03-24 08:14
FromGabriel Maldonado
SubjectRe: Neural Nets
In DirectCsound it is already possible to use an arbitrary number of a-rate argument
(opcodes fout, clear, parmca, parmta, rtrnca, rtrnta ). I hope this feature will be soon
ported to canonical version.

Hans Mikelson wrote:

> The problem with the first one is that I'm not sure if an arbitrary number
> of audio signals can be specified.  

Gabriel Maldonado

Date1999-03-24 09:08
FromRicardo MadGello
SubjectRE: Neural Nets
I just wish that it was possible to talk to an arbitrary number of Windows
WAVE and/or DirectX I/O devices for RT purposes.

Ricardo MadGello
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-----Original Message-----
From: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
[mailto:owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk]On Behalf Of Gabriel
Sent: Wednesday, March 24, 1999 12:14 AM
To: Hans Mikelson
Cc: Csound
Subject: Re: Neural Nets

In DirectCsound it is already possible to use an arbitrary number of a-rate
(opcodes fout, clear, parmca, parmta, rtrnca, rtrnta ). I hope this feature
will be soon
ported to canonical version.

Hans Mikelson wrote:

> The problem with the first one is that I'm not sure if an arbitrary number
> of audio signals can be specified.

Gabriel Maldonado
