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Waveguide Strings Orc Sco

Date1998-09-24 18:53
FromHans Mikelson
SubjectWaveguide Strings Orc Sco

I took one of my reverbs and turned it into a waveguide instrument which
sounds somewhat like a bowed string.

Good Luck,
Hans Mikelson


; WGSynth by Hans Mikelson 1998
; This wave guide synthesis instrument sounds somewhat like a bowed string
; certain conditions.  It consists of a two delay lines whose outputs are
; , compressed and then fedback into the delay lines.  The filtered output
is also
; inverted and cross fedback into the other delay line.
zakinit 30,30
       instr    10
idur    =        p3                      ; Duration
iamp    =        p4                      ; Amplitude
itim1   =        1000/cpspch(p9)*(1+p12) ; Time of primary waveguide delay
itim2   =        itim1*p10               ; Time of secondary waveguide delay
iacct   =        itim1*p6/4              ; Accent peak
ifco1   =        p7/itim1*15000          ; Cut off frequency is based on
pitch & modifier
ifco2   =        ifco1*p8                ; Fco2 is based on Fco1 & modifier
ifdbk   =        (1+p5/sqrt(itim1))/2    ; Lower notes get more feedback
ipan    =        p11                     ; Pan 0=left, .5=center, 1=right
idec    =        p13*sqrt(itim1)         ; Decay rate lower notes get longer
decay to start
                                         ; the waveguide oscillating sooner.
itabc   =        5                       ; Compressor table
aflt1   init     0                       ; Used for feedback so they need to
be inited here
aflt2   init     0
kamp    linseg   0, .005, iamp, idur-.01, iamp, .005, 0
; Declick envelope
kfdbk linseg   ifdbk, .02, iacct*ifdbk, idec+.005, ifdbk, idur-.025-idec,
ifdbk ; Feedback accent envelope
kampr   oscili   1, cpspch(p9)/2.01, 2                  ; Pulses of noise
are used to stimulate
asig    rand     2000*kampr                             ; The wave guide
kfco1   linseg   ifco1, .05, ifco1*1.2, .1, ifco1*.8, p3-.15, ifco1*.4  ; A
frequency accent envelope
kramp2  linseg   0, .1, 0, .1, 1, idur-.2, 1  ; Fade in the vibrato
klfo2   oscili   kramp2, 1.5, 1               ; LFO2 adds some complexity to
the vibrato rate
klfo1   oscili   .004*kramp2, 6+klfo2, 1      ; LFO1 is for the vibrato
ktim1    =       itim1*(1+klfo1)             ; Generate delay times
ktim2    =       itim2*(1+klfo1)
; Compressors
karms1   rms      aflt1                      ; Find rms level
kampn1   =        karms1/60000               ; Normalize rms level 0-1.
kcomp1   tablei   kampn1,itabc,1,0           ; Look up compression value in
karms2   rms      aflt2                      ; Find rms level
kampn2   =        karms2/60000               ; Normalize rms level 0-1.
kcomp2   tablei   kampn2,itabc,1,0           ; Look up compression value in
; Variable delay waveguides
adel1   vdelay    asig+kfdbk*aflt1*kcomp1-kfdbk*aflt2*kcomp2, ktim1, itim1*2
; Loop 1
adel2   vdelay    asig-kfdbk*aflt1*kcomp1+kfdbk*aflt2*kcomp2, ktim2, itim2*2
; Loop 2
aflt1   butterlp adel1, kfco1                ; Filter before feeding back
aflt2   butterlp adel2, ifco2
aout    butterhp aflt1/8, 40                 ; Take off the DC offset  I
have seen noise related
                                             ; to this opcode on an SGI
        outs     aout*sqrt(ipan)*kamp, aout*sqrt(1-ipan)*kamp  ; Pan,
Declick and output

; WGSynth by Hans Mikelson
; C Scales
f1 0 1024 10  1
f2 0 1024 -7  0 62 1 62 0 900 0
f5 0 1024 8  1 256 1 256 .8 256 .2 256 .01
;    Sta   Dur  Amp  FdBack  Accent  Fco1  Fco2  Pitch1  Pitch2  Pan  Detune
i10  0.0   1    2    .5      1.5     4     1     5.00    1.3333  .5   .000