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Announce: HPKComposer for Csound

Date1998-10-05 06:41
FromLemoine Jean-Pierre
SubjectAnnounce: HPKComposer for Csound
  I have monitored this mailing list for long time, and I have realy
learnt a lot (many thanks to all of you). Now it's time to be more
present and to participate first by making public
a tool I have developped for Csound. It certainly can't be equivalent to
or Silence, but brings new exploration capabilities in the domain of
VRML generation, and in
usability level. HPKComposer (its name) is a graphical composition tool
written in Java
that is combining the Cmask score events approach, a high level software
synthetizer that hides
the Csound opcodes complexity, a dynamic definition of Instrument
parameters and their use in
the Score, the mapping of score events to VRML evolution, the background
compilation of the
Csound file and the capability to listen to the resulting sound file
from the application. In
fact Csound is totally hidden behind the user interface, but it is there
  The sound generation is not limited to what is included in
HPKComposer, as you can extend it
by developping new Java classes. The different sound generators that are
included come from
this mailing list. I have slightly redesign them and put it in Java
code. This is not an OO
Csound: you continue to use the standard opcodes.
  You can find more information and download it to this site
http://hplank.inetpc.com/ . It has
been developped and tested on w95, w98 and NT. It should work in another
systems, but you have
to configure it by yourself. If you try it on Linux, and write how to do
that, I will be more
than happy to include this information (same for Mac and others).
  This tool is part of an ongoing project for building a software that
is able to combine 3D
worls and sound, and to allow outside interaction. The first steps are
this exploratory program
HPKComposer, and another program that let me control VRML animations
using a MIDI keyboard. The
next steps are to try to link everything and to use Csound in real-time,
another long story....

Jean-Pierre Lemoine