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WIN95 supercollider

Date1999-07-14 23:03
Fromjose halac
SubjectWIN95 supercollider
anyone knows if there's a version of SuperCollider for Windows 95?


jose halac

Date1999-07-15 01:24
FromJames McCartney
SubjectRe: WIN95 supercollider
At 4:03 PM -0600 7/14/99, jose halac wrote:
>anyone knows if there's a version of SuperCollider for Windows 95?
>jose halac

no there's not..
BeOS is a likely target on intel, but not win.

   --- james mccartney     james@audiosynth.com   http://www.audiosynth.com
If you have a PowerMac check out SuperCollider2, a real time synth program: