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Re: FIR and IIR Filters

Date1998-04-27 22:40
FromCharles Baker
SubjectRe: FIR and IIR Filters
Mike Berry wrote:

> >
> > In taking impulse responses of halls, I don't know what the pros do,

The traditional acoustician's impulse is what is known as a "spark gap"...a
strong current is applied to two sides of a small gap: the current leaps the
gap with a sharp report (caused by the same physics as thunder claps).
This is known to have a fairly even frequency response (apx. equal across
most of the human range of hearing.)
The cool suggestions (all of which would give you something cool to work with)
have two deviations from the "ideal" impulse:
1) too long! Almost everything one can easily do is too long, and 'bleeds into'
the hall's response, masking the all important "first echos".
2) Colored itself. If you use a click or tap that has anysort of recognisable
timbre or "tone color", what you get in the hall's "response" convolved with
the impulse's "color". Cool results for us as musicians, but not apppropriate
for acoustics....as if we care!! ;-)

> --
> Mike Berry
> mikeb@nmol.com
> http://www.nmol.com/users/mikeb

Charlie Baker              baker@charlieb.com
 "when everything isn't roses, you don't get
   any headroom" - Thomas Dolby "New Toy"