| Just in case Scotty is busy...
The Pulsar does not include Extended Csound; Creamware has its own
software synthesis engines - the main one in fact runs on the 15-SHARC
SCOPE system (scripting-language based, 'Java-like'). Extended Csound on
The ADI board is still (subject to any updates I haven't had yet!)
non-re-entrant, and (also subject to...) unable to stream audio
full-duplex between the host and the card (or, at least, we don't yet
have documented APIs to do that..), which may limit its appeal to
companies such as Creamware. However, the Director of Creamware, Frank
Hund, who is a very approachable guy indeed, expressed plenty of
enthusiasm for the idea of implementing the public Csound on PULSAR, and
would happily support any initiative to do so. Quite what ADI would feel
about that I don't know - Creamware will be selling SHARC systems, which
is what ADI want, of course, but ADI might be miffed at a rival Csound
implementation on the SHARC, notwithstanding the fact that it couldn't
have the proprietary ADI extensions.
Incidentally, Frank Hund has publicly indicated (on the pulsar-dsp list
- don't get too excited - that's dsp as in Yamaha DSP-Factory) that
Creamware will in time develop PULSAR drivers for both Linux and BeOS,
something that I am sure will make a lot of people very happy indeed!
Richard Dobson
mark wrote:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: mark [mailto:mark.williamson@dial.pipex.com]
> Sent: 28 October 1998 11:58
> To: 'Scotty.Vercoe@analog.com'
> Subject: XTCsound confusion...
> I'm asking this in public because I can't imagine I'm the only
> person who is confused by all of this.
> Having spent the summer learning bits of CSound and playing with
> various software synths I have come to the conclusion I need hardware
> support for my synthesis to get the sounds I want in real time. It was
> with great excitment that I discovered the XTCSound board. Now I
> have read about something called the Pulsar that is based in the same
> SHARC chips from Analog that CSound is. The pulsar also fulfills
> many of my hardware requirements.
> My real question is this does XTCSound run on the SHARC chip ie.
> can I buy the pulsar and run XTCSound or is it specific to the Analog
> board.
> |