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[spam]new ppc version

Date1999-07-13 20:30
From"Matt J. Ingalls"
Subject[spam]new ppc version
DID I MENTION ITS FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hear what people are saying about the new Csound PPC version:

"You better get yourself a Peavey PC1600 MIDI fader box... at least... 
because you have done it!!! At long last, MIDI Csound on the Mac is 
happenning.  This is a major help for me, but it will also totally 
blow my students at Berklee away....All the skeptics were silenced and
awed as I tweeked the parameters of the vco opcode with MIDI faders."

-Dr. Richard Boulanger
Professor - Music Synthesis Department
Berklee College of Music

"Actually peformance is better all around - not just real time MIDI.
let me know if you have any questions - the README below i hope is clear
enough - the sources will be up on the same ftp shortly"


	Csound for Power Macintosh
This Version: 
	fFitch code base	3.55
	Perf "engine"		3.55.1
	Csound "front end"  1.3
Available From:
changes from 3.55/FrontEnd 1.3
- added a parameter for #of buffers per event poll 
	for RT rendering
- improved all around performance by tweaking 
	event monitoring in code (see below)
- fixed transport hang during silence in score
- changed version # to 3.55.1
- fixed diskin bug

Note: this version requires an additional file
  "csound.txt" to be inside your "perf" directory
  or one of the sound/analysis directories.

Front End:
- added a parameter for #of buffers per event poll 
	for RT rendering (in buffers window)
- included smaller options for buffer sizes
- changed the default buffer sizes in RT to 128
- small UI changes in buffers window

detail on new real-time improvements
Csound real-time sound output on the macintosh is still 
not done the "proper" way, but it turns out if we take 
over the system (through a few hacks in the code) we can get
pretty good performance.  

To do this, a new parameter has been included in the 
"Set Buffers" dialog (-P in the command line) that sets the 
number of audio output buffers to every System Event poll 
(these system events are mouse and keyboard input, screen updates, etc).  

A small number will make sytem events like clicking on the transport
appear "normally" with a loss in real-time performance (i.e. "breakups")
A large number will improve real-time performance with a severe loss in
responsiveness to sytem events.
A value of '0' will produce the best real-time performance with NO
system events handled while there is any instrument playing.

This "poll events" parameter ONLY APPLIES when there are
score events, MIDI events, or MIDI files currently active. Otherwise,
control should be given back to the system - returning the transport
and other interface items to normally responsivity.

Remember, you can optimize your real-time performance by:
 (for more info look in the mac manual)
	1) turning off all messages (RT MIDI In checkbox automatically
	    turns off all messages)
	2) or you can try using a listing file with the "listing file
	    disables output window" option enabled from the prefs dialog
	3) tweak your buffer sizes
	4) i have been using the xtratim/release opcodes a lot for getting
	    of clicks at the end of RT MIDI events
Please email bugs to csound-dev@mills.edu
so we can fix them.