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time for some more offtopic

Date1999-04-24 19:11
FromFabio Bizzetti
Subjecttime for some more offtopic
> jankee swastikka  ->  ww 0+3

For our yankee friends, a snipped from a mail
I wrote to a friend:


Dear K.,
Yesterday I was truly too tired (no sleep in the
previous 48 hours) to make a serious reasoning.

Have you heard the news today? For a change, this
morning two "normal" US Americans entered in their
school armed and killed a lot of people, testimonies
reported that they were laughing out loud while doing
it, and targeted mostly black men and football
players.. and also (as our media said, but you never
know considering how many lyes our western media tell
us everyday) worshipping Hitler while they were shooting
all their schoolmates. 15 were killed and 20 severely
wounded. Then they suicided. Unfortunately this is
becoming pretty common in the USA.. we talked about
this yesterday night and also about depression or
other nevrotic/psychotic problems in the USA.
Well, I based my "assumptions" on many things,
including the very high percentage of people that
are under psychoanalisis in the USA, or psychiatric
therapy. Or very common episodies like this.

I very much believe that, although it really sucks,
it's not McDonald's food the cause of all this
menthal sickness. ;) It's the "democratic", "free"
and capitalist culture of the USA the cause of
all that (potential or expressed, as this morning
in that school) complete menthal insanity. You
recall the "Evil Empire" (i.e. the communist block),
where there was no freedom.. all was censored,
people were unhappy etc.. well, not wanting to
defend what I always hated too, (even more because
it was throwing shit on marxism, and was abusing
of its name and thus ruining it for any future use),
all that lack of freedom was true as much as evident.
In the USA there's no less than that shit, but it's
all _smartly_ hidden by the rulers and government.
At the risk of sounding paranoid.. they are smart,
they don't openly repress as "unexpert" dictators
may do, they instead study scientifical ways to
obtain the same (or even better) results using much
more subtle and effective means than repression.
Which never works.. and they know very well this.
Unlike some stupid third-world dictator.

I invite you to read something I wrote time ago:

Before I say the following words, I've to say I'm
personally (for my own reasons) against drugs, i.e.
I don't use any. Yet, I think it's my own right to
decide if I want to use them or not... not my State's

The drugs subject shows much of this hidden shit:
The USA is bringing on a kind of Inquisition against
all psychotropic drugs which generate some forms of
pleasure. This modern Inquisition started in the USA
as a "puritanical" expression of the yankees society to
ban pleasure from life. The US American governments
have systematically demonised all psychotropic drugs
which can give pleasure (even alcohol was demonised but
this demonisation was not successful and was abandoned
when it was noticed that alchool was too well estabilished
in the culture and was impossible to ban, it only created
powerful figures as Al Capone). Why instead the FDA has
approved a lot of drugs that simply "turn off" emotions
and make you be like a zombie (thus "curing" depression
in a different way)? Why does the Pentagon fear such
("positive" and non-dangerous for the health) drugs that
have anti-depressive and pro-sociality effects (e.g. GHB)?
Because depression is basically a defect of sociality.
Depression is a state of lowered sociality and when
natural sociality is lowered in a human brain (for
instance through competition, etc) then this mind starts
to suffer morally. A lot of studies have shown that when
sociality is enhanced, depression vanishes. But, again,
why does the USA government fears true sanity (i.e. high
sociality, lack of paranoia, lack of aggressivity)?
Because to be a good capitalist you need to block your
sociable feelings: you should cease to consider other
human beings as human beings but just as things which
can bring you money and power. But, as we know, humans
are not machines and this doesn't quite work after a
bit, and produces severe psychosis. You have to learn to
be selfish, that is highly non-sociable. Keeping the people
paranoid (now, you probably know how many people suffer
from paranoia in the USA.. it's even in the common sense
nowadays) helps them to be anti-social (thus selfish),
which enhances "competition" and thus capitalism, but
also brings ill side-effects as boys shooting to their
schoolmates screaming "I hate niggers and football
players".. and every and all drugs (either chemical
or political) that *concretely* promote (unlike
Christianity) sociality and positive feelings towards
others have to be considered highly subversive and
thus a concrete danger against the capitalist regime,
that (through brainwashing instead of militar repression,
but also through militar repression (CIA if possible, or
non-secret army as last resort) when brainwashing fails,
thus like traditional dictatorships) is in _concrete_ less
democratic than any dictatorship. Too bad it causes a lot
of menthal insanity, unlike more traditional dictatorships
that cause simply (consciously) a feeling of lack of freedom,
but at least you're aware of it. You're free inside at least,
and ready to fight for your physical freedom.

This is why I tell you that capitalism has indeed failed,
even more than communism, although it won the economical
war against the latter. But economy is not an human thing..
this has been demonstrated by psychoanalisis and reality
many times: we're not machines, we cannot be considered
like that. Or we don't work well anymore, by all means
(including self-destruction).

Your (indeed unquestionable) objection may be that
under democracy at least the people can choose, and
this is indeed true in theory.. but since theory
without practice has no value in life, and since
they will allow democracy only as long as the people
will vote as the rich powerful men wish (otherwise
it's CIA or US Army time to fix things back to the
original state), then my objection is that with
democracy there's no choice. In places like the USA
only a big revolution could change anything.. of course
this doesn't apply to much more civil countries like
Switzerland or Sweden, or some others.

Take care,

Date1999-04-26 21:00
FromAnders Andersson
SubjectAlmost as offtopic as Fabios mail..

> Dear K.,
> Yesterday I was truly too tired (no sleep in the
> previous 48 hours) to make a serious reasoning.
Some strange Italian demoparty going on, or what? =)

> it's not McDonald's food the cause of all this
> menthal sickness. ;)
Although it's the cause of many other sicknesses.. =)

> Before I say the following words, I've to say I'm
> personally (for my own reasons) against drugs, i.e.
> I don't use any. Yet, I think it's my own right to
> decide if I want to use them or not... not my State's
> "right".

I agree!
Even though I'd prefer to see that nobody uses drugs of anykind,
It's up to each and every person to decide that for themselves.

Personally, I don't even drink alcohol, but, as I said..
that's my choice, and may not reflect the others..

> Because to be a good capitalist you need to block your
> sociable feelings: you should cease to consider other
> human beings as human beings but just as things which
> can bring you money and power. But, as we know, humans
> are not machines and this doesn't quite work after a
> bit, and produces severe psychosis. You have to learn to
> be selfish, that is highly non-sociable. Keeping the people

100% True!

> democracy there's no choice. In places like the USA
> only a big revolution could change anything.. of course
> this doesn't apply to much more civil countries like
> Switzerland or Sweden, or some others.

Well.. Let's look at the USA and the world from the 'beginning',
as I see it.

In the beginning there where natives.
In America, in Europe, and the rest of the world.

Then something happened.
America was 'discovered'.

A new continent.

This is what happened then:
The capitalists in the rest of the world started to compete about
the new resources; The one that died richest would win.

The capitalists founded USA.

Then the weak people in Europe, the ones that wouldn't *work* for food,
or the ones that wasn't happy with what they *had* emigrated to USA from
Europe. To steal the 'new' land from the native indians.

What did they end up with? A whole new country filled with capitalists
and thieves.. What a great way to start on! =)

// Anders (Not so serious this time..)

(note1: I may choose to reply on your replys, or not.. =D)
(note2: Ofcourse, this doesn't mean that all ppl in USA are capitalists
and/or thieves, only the goverment..)
(note3: Remember.. USA=Windows)
(note4: This mail was written *ONLY* to make people think, and not to upset)