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Date1999-04-20 18:08
FromJames Veltri
	I posted some questions to the list a while ago regarding the
generation of 3D audio with Csound.  I've made a little progress, but
not much.  I downloaded the HRTFcompact file from the ftp server, but it
has a .html extension, which looks a little fishy to me.  I put it in
the Csound/Analysis directory on my computer, and tried to run the orc
example in the Csound manual where hrtfer is explained.  Every time I
run it, however, the program crashes and I get an "illegal page fault"
error message from Bill Gates.  Unfortunately, I can't even read the
text that Csound spits out after rendering, except for "Warning...". 
I'm using version 3.53 in Win95 on a PC.  Here's the orc file I ran:

sr=44100  ; Sample rate
kr=4410   ; Control rate
ksmps=10  ; sr/kr
nchnls=2  ; Number of channels (1=mono/2=stereo)

instr 1
	kaz             linseg  0, p3, -360  ; move the sound in circle
	kel             linseg  -40, p3, 45  ; around the listener, changing
                                     ; elevation as its turning
	asrc            soundin "toot5.wav"
	aleft,aright    hrtfer  asrc, kaz, kel, "HRTFcompact"
	aleftscale      =       aleft * 200
	arightscale     =       aright * 200
                outs    aleftscale, arightscale

Here are my questions:  Is the HRTFcompact file supposed to have some
extension?  If so, can I just replace the .html with the right
extension?  Is that file supposed to go in a specific directory, like
SADIR?  How am I supposed to refer to the file in the orc?  Do I just
type "HRTFcompact" like I did above?  Finally, I'm not sure what kind of
score I should use with this.  Should it have just one note with a long

I realize I'm asking alot, so if anyone can answer even one of my
questions, I'd really appreciate it.  Also, if somebody could just
direct me to some better literature on the subject rather than spend a
lot of time answering these questions, that would be great too.
