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Re: Windows Specific flags

Date1998-11-30 07:05
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectRe: Windows Specific flags
Job van Zuijlen wrote:
> >From the manual (v. 3.47):
> PC Windows-specific flags
> -j num  set the number of console text rows (default 25)
> -J num  set the number of console text columns (default 80)
> -*      yields control to the system until audio output buffer is full
> so I suppose you could expect them in the/a official Windows version of
> Csound.

No, as was said, they are not in the official (Bath) version. 
Especially the -J one is very wrong, since it will ask Bath Csound 
to create an Ircam header for the output soundfile.

The flags in your list are (or were) in Gabriel Maldonado's proprietary 
build. You'll find info about that one on his site: 
A lot of his stuff has been incorporated or reimplemented in the Bath 
version, but I think he has yet more real-time features in a newer

So you (and everybody) need to tell which version you're using when
about any problems. Sometimes one has to check the headers of people's
mails just to figure what platform they're on...

On the PC, you can find out exactly which flags there are by using 
the -? option, like:
	csound -?
...but you must do it in a console-mode window, and this has to be 
set to show at least 43 lines, else you can't see all the flags. 
(please tell me I'm wrong here)

(Good that this came up, I see now that I've been confusing
some of the flags too.)



> I asked about these as well a little while ago, and also why in some
> implementaions these parameters are being proceeded by +-.  It may lead
> to incompatibility with programs that call Csound.
> Job van Zuijlen
> J P Fitch wrote:
> >
> > There are no flags -p or -e in the generic sources.  What are they
> > supposed to do?