| hello all
here's a little toy to generate score from ascii text file.
pitch is based on character's ascii code, rythm and duration
are based on chars/word and words/line. amplitude is some
combination of these.
i advise not to convert Encyclopedia Britannica :-)
output is to stdout, so redirect to file.
pitch is best converted with cpsoct in orc, amp can be used as is.
# text-to-music? by mjkoskin@sci.fi
proc parse {ins line} {
global tim
set sco ""
set txtlen [string length $line]
set wc [llength $line]
if {$wc == 0} {
return "\n"
set rythm [expr $wc.0 / $txtlen.0 ]
foreach word $line {
set wl [string length $word]
set amp [expr $wl * 2000 ]
set dur [expr $rythm / $wl.0 * 10.0 ]
set dur [format "%3.3f" $dur]
for {set i 0} {$i < $wl} {incr i} {
set word [string toupper $word]
scan [string index $word $i] "%c" pitch
if {$pitch > 128} {
set pitch [expr $pitch - 128]
set pitch [expr $pitch.0 / 32.0 + 5.0 ]
append sco "$ins $tim $dur $pitch $amp\n"
set tim [expr $tim + $dur]
return $sco
proc gensco { file ins} {
global tim
set tim 0
if { [catch {open $file} fin] } {
puts stderr "can't open file\n"
return ""
set score ""
while {![eof $fin]} {
gets $fin line
append score [parse $ins $line]
close $fin
return $score
if {$argc == 0} {
puts stderr "usage: text-file "
if {$argc == 1} {
set ins "i1"
} else {
set ins [lindex $argv 1]
puts stdout "f1 0 8192 10 1 0.5 0.33 0.66 0.25 0.001"
puts stdout [gensco [lindex $argv 0] $ins]
puts stdout "e" |