| Hi. My name is Erez Webman. I'm a musician and an experienced Csound user.
I've been working with Extended Csound for about 3 month. What I do mostly
is developing synthesis algorithms, mainly in the "physical modelling" and
"arithmetic instruments" domains. In the next days, I'll send to this list
quite a few bug reports. Well, let's start:
The opcodes table and tablei seems not to work correctly when used in
a-rate. This can be demonstrated by the following csound program:
~~~ SCO file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i1 0 5
~~~ ORC file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sr = 44100
kr = 441
ksmps = 100
nchnls = 2
gifn ftgen 0, 0, 4097, 7, 0, 4097, 1
instr 1
aindex line -1000,p3,5000
aout tablei aindex,gifn,0,0,0
outs aindex,aout*30000
Incorrect output is also presented if you replace the line:
aout tablei aindex,gifn,0,0,0
with the line: aout tablei aindex,gifn,0,0,1
or with the line: aout table aindex,gifn,0,0,0
However, if you replace it with the line: aout table aindex,gifn,0,0,1
the output is OK...
k-rate table (and tablei) doesn't suffer from this problem. However, they
do suffer from another problem, which is described in the next item.
Consider the following Csound program:
~~~ SCO file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
i1 0 5
~~~ ORC file ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 2
gifn ftgen 0, 0, 16385, 7, 0, 16384, 1
instr 1
kindex line -4000,p3,20000
kout tablei kindex,gifn,0,0,0
aout = kout
aindex = kindex
outs aindex,aout*30000
The output (aout) is a stream of zeros. If you make the table
smaller (8192 or less), the output is fine. This bug probably
exists also for a-rate tables, but I didn't test it.
Erez Webman |