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#include don't work

Date1999-01-11 22:48
Subject#include don't work
today I tried to use the syntax
#include :filename:   in orchestra and in score but ti don't work. I
tried either the official and the unofficial version 3.49.4.

It is normal...
Antoine Lefebvre

Date1999-01-12 21:10
FromWayne Freno
SubjectRe: #include don't work

Did you try replacing the colons in your example with double quotes?
(I think other characters will work too).  Also did you input the
path?  If backslashes don't work (\), try forward slashes (/).
Hope this helps.

On Mon, 11 Jan 1999 gamma_orion@iname.com wrote:

> Hello,
> today I tried to use the syntax
> #include :filename:   in orchestra and in score but ti don't work. I
> tried either the official and the unofficial version 3.49.4.
> It is normal...
> -- 
> Antoine Lefebvre
> gamma_orion@iname.com
> http://pages.infinit.net/linux/music/music.html

end soundbite