| Steven Coolidge suggested I forward my private response to him on this
subject (Score11 tutorial from Eastman) to the list.
He states that "Mr. Schindler's tutorial from Eastman on Score11" is
"for Unix and Mac" and that he is a PC person.
The version of Score11 I have is a PC port, or at least works just fine
on the PC. (I've been using it that way for years.) I'm a PC person too.
Art Hunkins
Steven & Wayne:
I don't know whether your interest is in Score11 directly, or the
tutorial, but Score11 "isn't just in-house Eastman any more." I've had
Score11 for close to ten years, have worked with it fairly extensively
(three of my four Csound comps), and have put together a packet of
materials on it for Boulanger's upcoming Csound CD. (I didn't even get
it from Eastman sources, but via Tom DeLio and Otto Laske.) Score11's
author is Alec Brinkman who is still at the Eastman School and who has
corresponded with me briefly.
If it's the Score11 materials you are after (.exe, manual, and brief
critique of mine), I'll be happy to send either of you a .zip file of
same. As far as the tutorial is concerned, I'd be as delighted as you to
have it available. Go for it!
Art Hunkins
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 19:06:21 -0700
From: Steven Coolidge
Reply-To: stevenc@calweb.com
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Score11
The Eastman School Csound tutorial makes extensive use of files in
Score11 format, which seems to be an in-house score and orchestra file
generator. Has anyone asked Professor Schindler (tutorial author) if he
would make that program available for general use? If I get no negative
response to this query here, I may request myself that he post it.
Steven Coolidge