| Mr. Schindler
Ah, you simply misunderstood:
As for "old things" i meant *my* old stuff that i
used music11 and score11 for. I wasn't calling
score11 an old thing. Though you really couldn't
say that it is recent either! ;)
As for "quick and dirty" I wasn't calling score11
quick and dirty in it's implementation, i was
saying that you could spit out a Csound score
quickly with it since its learning curve was not
so steep and you didn't have to declare variables
and the like as you do if you use C or some other
language. That you could do more sophisticated
things as well is also obvious to anyone who ever
used it.
My comments were not meant as a put-down of
score11 at any level. The fact that i still have
a call for it and a desire to use it should make
that clear. On the contrary score11 is a
wonderful program that is versatile and easy to
use. And despite it's smallish size flexible
and powerful.
I am *extremely* happy to hear that it is not dead
code, but that there is an interest and
willingness to make the program available again.
My thanks to Mr. Brinkman and his colleagues for
their efforts. I look forward to being able to
execute score11 scripts on my Mac soon (as my NeXT
is boxed up in the US right now).
everything everbest,
kevin parks
Seoul Korea