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Re: new biequest ion

Date1999-04-07 15:51
FromBen Jefferys
SubjectRe: new biequest ion
Seeing as we're in a translation mood (although as one person once said,
it easier to go English -> m9ndfukc than the other way...)  Maybe this
is one AltaVista could add to their services?

f1f0@m9ndfukc.com wrote:

> 0+1.


> data = korekt.

Data is correct

> humanz = fasc!znat!ng ma!z f!kt!on

Humans are fascinating but fiction

> csound = luvl! !f p!pd through czound elsz !t

Csound is lovely if piped through csound otherwise it

> = 1 notalg!a ma!z - warum 1 !nf!n!t! ov ax!omz +?

is a (nothing?) but - why an infinity of axioms (commands?) ?

> LGI2P:
> Laboratoire de Genie Informatique et d'Ingenierie
> de Production - tranzlat!ng sources !n2 zk ore +?

 - translating sources into score?

> paz vra!ment. tranzlat!ng zk orez !n2 source

Not really. Translating scores into source.

Took about 10 minutes - was it worthwhile I wonder? Who cares, I'm
revising ;)
