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Re: CSound for dos (running under W98)

Date1998-11-30 07:10
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectRe: CSound for dos (running under W98)
That was only additional information, since people may not 
know or remember the difference between csound_con and csound_new.
(I didn't understand it myself until fairly recently - it's like 
Cartesius and Descartes: obvious, but how is one to know until told?)
John builds them, I just said that the csound_new files *do* run 
in 16-bit DOS environment (using the 4gw memory extender).

But on top of this, I also think that it's generally a somewhat good 
thing to have around, esp. if it doesn't seriously complicate 
maintenance and extension of Csound - after all, there could even be 
some users who prefer or are stuck with DOS16 for whatever reasons.

Best regards,


Richard Dobson wrote:
> Is 16-bit DOS really wanted? A console window in Win9x (or NT: any WIN32
> platform) can run full 32bit flat-model programs - no need for a DOS-extender.
> A Win98 'DOS-box' is still a Win98 environmemt. You only need the dos-extended
> version if you are actually running in 16-bit DOS mode.
> Richard Dobson
> rasmus ekman wrote:
> >
> > csound_con.zip at bath:
> > ftp://ftp.maths.bath.ac.uk/pub/dream/newest/
> > (con for console)
> >
> > The csound_new.zip is for 16-bit DOS I think - also runnable
> > in console box, and contains some additional command-line
> > programs not built into the standard version (mixer, scale,
> > and mkgraph - graphical DOS envelope editor).
> >