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Re: Winsound v. 3.53 ROCKS!!(GAG! SERIOUS FLAME!)

Date1999-04-24 17:46
FromTobias Kunze
SubjectRe: Winsound v. 3.53 ROCKS!!(GAG! SERIOUS FLAME!)
> Never cared much about e-commerce.  One thing only.  Windows NT is more
> and more becoming the platform of choice for professional 3D animation
> (something that does interest me and which I will be combining with
> csound generated music) and similar intensive graphic applications.  I
> like to do more than just csound on my computer and don't have thousands
> to spend on a SGI Irix workstation or something like that.  If
> everything I want to use runs under Linux, I will consider it.

hey, SGI is so much in the dumps, they are *Cheap*.  Look on 
e-bay or so, they sell indy's for $600-800!!!  Can't beat that.
And, re 3D performance, my 6-year old 133 MHz R4600 Indy beats
my 300MHz Dell PentiumII any day.  So, if you want to do content
creation, i'd consider buying a used indy or even a used O2.  If
you're developing stuff to run elsewhere, of course, do windows.
But at any rate, the machine costs pale in comparison with serious
animation software costs...