| Just wanted to mention that a couple of Perl people have jumped in at
comp.lang.perl.misc... you can read the thread via DejaNews at:
> Sorry. I and many of the people I know who've used Perl have
> had this experience more than once: you come back to a piece of Perl
> code a week after you've written it, and you can't figure
> out what on earth it was supposed to do.
Fair enough. One of the patron saints (either Wall or Schwartz
probably?) does sometimes refer to Perl as "Pathologically Eclectic
Rubbish Lister."
But then, no one put a gun to your head and made you write confusing
code, did they? Or do you think Perl encourages/requires it? I haven't
yet had this problem... but then, I haven't written anything very
extensive... and I compulsively comment things.