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Problem with sustain on real-time MIDI

Date1999-09-12 23:44
FromLarry Troxler
SubjectProblem with sustain on real-time MIDI
On a pristine source, but recompiled Linux unnoficial 3.57, I'm finding
that sustain-on messages work, but sustain-off messages don't abort the
sustained instances - the instruments just keep playing.

I had assumed that using the sustain pedal would be equivalent to
delaying the note-off events until the time the pedal is released, but
perhaps I'm mistaken? Is there something else I need to learn about?

Here is my instrument:

instr 1 
       aexcite   init 0.0
       inum      notnum       
       icps      cpsmidi
       a1       wgpluck icps, 0.3, 0.35, 0.12, 5, 20, aexcite
       out      20000 * a1
       foutir  git1     , 0, 1, inum
