| Hi Hans,
maybe the file "nafxcw.lib" is not included in Learning edition of MSVC
5.0. Verify it! However MFC classes are not needed if you compile csound
in console mode. To compile Csound in console mode, you must create a
new project file (be sure to select "Win32 Console Application" when
creating it), name it "consound", then in the "Project-Settings"
dialog-box, you must switch to the "C/C++" table and be sure that the
"Preprocessor definition" text-box contains the following text:
(for the release version) or:
for the debug version.
Also, if you want enable realtime operations, be sure to add the text
"winmm.lib" to the "Object/Library modules" text-box of the "link"
tab in the Project-Settings dialog-box
Finally, add all the source files to the project and try to compile it.
All these compiler options are valid for Professional edition of MSVC. I
don't know if Learning edition sopport all of them. Good luck!
Happy compiling!
Gabriel Maldonado
Hans Mikelson wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm trying to learn some MS Windows programming and to start to start
> with I
> thought I would try to compile Csound (I also want to implement some
> new
> opcodes). The program first wanted to create a new project file which
> seemed to go OK. Then it had trouble finding things until I moved the
> files
> up to d:\csound\. Now it compiles OK but when it is time to link I
> get the
> following error:
> Linking...
> LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file "nafxcw.lib"
> Error executing link.exe.
> When I search for this in help the help file it says:
> Object-code libraries for MFC use the following naming conventions.
> The
> library names have the form
> where the letters shown in italic lowercase are placeholders for
> specifiers
> whose meanings are shown in the table Library Naming Conventions
> below:
> etc...
> Release version
> Note If you need to build a library version, see the Readme.Txt file
> in the
> \MFC\Src directory. This file describes using the supplied makefile
> with
> NMake.
> Searching the CD for this file I find:
> To build a library in a particular configuration, use the NMAKE tool
> and the makefile which is in this directory. The following arguments
> can be given to NMAKE to successfully build a specific library
> variant.
> NMAKE {DEBUG=[0|1]} {BROWSE=[0|1]} {BROWSEONLY={0|1} \
> {CODEVIEW=[0|1|2]} {OBJ=path} \
> {UNICODE=[0|1]} \
> {OPT=}
> Previous versions of MFC supported MODEL and TARGET options to control
> the
> memory model and to support DOS/CONSOLE mode targetting. These options
> are
> no longer supported (your Win32 console application can still be
> linked to
> the GUI MFC library, NAFXCW[D].LIB).
> Now there doesn't seem to be any makefile in this directory.
> Anyone have any idee-ers?
> Bu-Bye,
> Hans Mikelson