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RE: books

Date1998-06-22 16:16
From"Ruston, Paul"
SubjectRE: books
Could any replies please be sent to the csound group instead of directly
as I would also be interested in similar recommendations.

thanks, Paul Ruston

>-----Original Message-----
>From:	Pedro Batista [SMTP:PBATISTA@colep.mailpac.pt]
>Sent:	June 22, 1998 12:03 PM
>To:	csound@noether.ex.ac.uk
>Subject:	books
>Hi again :)
>I wanted to buy a couple of books to consolidate my humble dsp/synthesis 
>knowledge. I want books which take a more practical aproach, in favor of 
>those which are only concerned with theoretical explanations. It should 
>cover dsp, filter design, synthesis techniques, etc, and I hope it has coded 
>examples (c would be nice) or pseudo code algorithms for programming
>Can you people please indicate your fave titles along this lines? (please 
>include full info: title, author, publisher and isbn if possible)
>I've been advised on the canonic "Elements of Computer Music", but I cant 
>find it on amazon... can someone present the author name and publisher, 
>btw, is there a release date for the mit csound book?
>Thanks a lot
>ps: sorry for the b/w abuse today, but I've been saving all my questions 
>while I've been in digest mode and unable to post