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Gens 22 and 23 (Re: Query from the Summer Solstice)

Date1998-12-22 08:50
Fromrasmus ekman
SubjectGens 22 and 23 (Re: Query from the Summer Solstice)
> One can read an audio file direct into a table with GEN 23, one of
> Gabriel's enhancements.  Added in v3.49

That would have been Gen 22. But this has not been announced 
in the version notes, and it is not in the sources!

> Is there a way of reading data into a function table directly from a
> pre-existing external ASCII file ?

Gen 23, documented in Version3_49.Notes in Bath/Montreal 
subdirectory "dream/newest".




This subroutine reads numeric values from an external ascii file
f# time size -23 "filename.txt"

The numeric values contained in "filename.txt" (which indicates 
the complete pathname of the character file to be read), can be 
separated by spaces, tabs, newline characters or commas. 
Also words that contains non-numeric characters can be used as 
comments since they are ignored. 
All characters following ';' (comment) are ignored until next