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scheduling events from the orc

Date1999-02-21 01:11
FromLonce LaMar Wyse
Subjectscheduling events from the orc
Content-Length: 3768

System: Maldonado's DCsound2.5, Windows95, Peavy 1600 MIDI controller 

I just had a chance to explore a couple of opcodes I hadn't used
before. I have a nice little example demonstrating the assignment of
different instruments and controllers to different MIDI channels
including when you want to initiate an instrument from the score (eg
global reverb), but have it respond to external MIDI events.  The
example is attached to the end of this email.

But first, my scheduling problem:

I was not able to get scheduling (icall, schedwhen, schedule) to do
what I wnated - periodically trigger an instrument on every period of
a phasor in the controlling instrument. It should be clear what I want
from the following:

instr	1
kphaseold init 1

kphase  phasor 1
if kphase > kphaseold	kgoto cont
   ktim	  instimes
   schedule 2, 0, .2    ;; icall, schedwhen, ...


instr 2

asig	oscili	8000, 330, 1
out	asig

This seems like a pretty basic thing to want to do with instrument
scheduling, but all my attempts with combinations of icall, sched and
schedwhen in combination with different trigger times (should it be 0?
calculated from the instr1 init time?) etc. were to no avail. Help (or
a bug fix or a new csound feature) would be dearly appreciated.


Here is that simple working channel assignment example:
This was testing by setting up the Peavy1600 as follows:
Button 0  - NOTEON, use channel 1
Slider 0  - use Channel 1
Button 1  - NOTEON, use channel 2
Slider 1  - use Channel 2
Button 2  - NOTEON, use channel 3
Slider 2  - use Channel 3

; Demonstrates the use of channel-directed notes and controllers
;    including in score-initiated instruments

;***** command line flags ******
;------- prevents buffer
;------- breakup on laptop   no display    midi in     DirectX audio out   buff
         -+*                -m0   -d      -+K0       -+X0                -b400 

sr = 22050
kr = 2205
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2

;;  Send messages that come on different channels to different instruments
;;;;;;;;ch,	inst
massign 1,	1
massign 2,	2
massign 3,	3

; Controllers can be set to respond to messages on any channel, 
; but here we set them to the same channel that their instrument 
; was set to in massign above.
; ctrl7 is used rather than midic7 because
; a) it does not cause csound to crash when the isntrument is 
;	initiated from within the score (see below)
; b) it can assign different controllers to different channels
instr 1 
      ;;      ch, ctrl,min,max
knote ctrl7   1,  0,   1,  2
afoo   oscili 8000, 330*knote,1
outs  afoo, afoo

instr 2 
      ;;     ch, ctrl,min,max
knote ctrl7   2,  1,   1,  2
afoo   oscili 8000, 330*knote,1
outs  afoo, afoo

instr 3
      ;;      ch, ctrl,min,max
knote ctrl7   3,  2,   1,  2
afoo   oscili 8000, 330*knote,1
outs  afoo, afoo

f0 600

f1 0 1024 10 1           ;sinwave

; Initiate this instrument from the score
i3 0 100


Lonce Wyse
Kent Ridge Digital Labs			Tel: +65-874-3111
National University of Singapore	Fax: +65-774-4998
21 Heng Mui Keng Terrace, Kent Ridge	internet: lwyse@krdl.com.org
SINGAPORE 119613			acoustic:   Yo, Lonce!
