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Re: csound in real-time?

Date1998-08-28 17:54
FromMichal Seta
SubjectRe: csound in real-time?

---"Matt J. Ingalls"  wrote:
> hmmm - might be a bug - however none of us have midi gear
> at the moment so its kind of hard to test..
> didnt it used to be channel# = instr #.
> but now there is the "massign" opcode to assign midi channels
> to instr# 
> 	-but i think Richard Boulanger was saying its not working??

> matt

I didn't know about it.  It seems to me like some undocumented
feature... is it possible?

So, where does chann#=instr# go?
In the instr definition?  Header? Score?

Also I have another question.  I haven't tried it yet but maybe
someone has some experience:

	is csound listening to the input port or will it also accept internal
MIDI communication (from MAX or a sequencer for ex.)?


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