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Date1999-09-08 14:32
FromJocelyn Tremblay
SubjectRe: FOUTIR ETC>>>
You could always use a table for doing this, like
8.176	8.662	9.177	9.723	10.301	10.913	11.562	12.250	12.978	13.750	14.568
15.434	16.352 etc..	etc..
in the orc:
inote	notnum
iread	table	inote, 1

in the sco:
f1 0 128 -23  "Tuning1.txt"

You just have to store inote using foutir.

Sure it will be long (in particular if you want many tuning table) but
you'll be able to do exactly anything you want.

> frequency to a particular midi note number
> say converting  midi # 60 to 256hz  instead of of 261.6hz