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CSounder usage poll..

Date1999-09-29 17:41
FromDustin Barlow
SubjectCSounder usage poll..
Greetings everyone...

I wanted to take a quick poll to see how many folks are still
using CSounder and what versions of Windows are people using.

I know CSounder is behind the latest csound trends (ie real-time)
and I really don't have the time anymore to keep it up to
date.  So I am just curious to see how many folks are actually
still using it and if there is no great mass of folks using it,
then I'm going to pull it from the Web site.

If someone wants the source code for making mods themselves,
you can contact me as well.  The source for CSounder was 
written in Borland C++ 4.52.  I tried at one point to port
it to Microsoft C++ V6.0 and quit because it required more
work than I was willing to do at the time.  If someone wants
to take this port on, or to continue developing it in whatever
the latest incarnation of Borland C++ is, then let me know.

I also know that there are a whole host of other PC based GUIs out
there that weren't there years ago when CSounder was conceived.
So, CSounder is probably not as needed today as it was years
ago and I may be ready to retire it from circulation so that
it doesn't become a snagging point for new csound users who
are not aware of the newer, more advanced interfaces that
are currently available.  

Thanks for the time and the reponses!

Happy CSounding!

Dustin Barlow