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Delays and archives

Date1998-05-28 10:11
FromOlivier Pasquet
SubjectDelays and archives

Date1998-07-10 14:50
From"Juergen A. Erhard"
SubjectPolitical Speeches? (WAS: Re: Delays and archives)

Hi Olivier,

>>>>> "Olivier" == Olivier Pasquet  writes:


    Olivier> PS: I am also looking for archives of great political (war?) speeches from
    Olivier> 1945. I do not want English spoken ones because I have downloaded plenty.

Any good warez... oops, no, any good sites is what I wanted to
say. ;-)

    Olivier> Yours,

Mine, all mine! ;-)


Bye, J

- -- 
Jürgen A. Erhard  eMail: jae@laden.ilk.de  phone: (GERMANY) 0721 27326
	My WebHome: http://members.tripod.com/~Juergen_Erhard
	     GNOME Desktop Project (http://www.gnome.org)
 Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" -- raster@rasterman.com

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From: Ross 
Subject: Organised Sound:  Call for papers "Sound and Image"
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An International Journal of Music and Technology

Volume 3, Number 3. Issue thematic title: SOUND AND IMAGE.
Date of Publication: December 1998.
Publishers: Cambridge University Press.

Articles to be considered for publication in the named issue are now invited.


Organised Sound has hitherto been principally concerned with the audio
arts.  However, we live in a rapidly changing world.  In particular, given
the relentless evolution of competent technology in the form of 'multimedia
systems' and the MPEG distributive media, it seems timely to explore the
relationship between the audio and visual spheres in the digital arts.  

Not to do so risks de facto acceptance of misguided dogma:  the supposed
predominance of the one medium over the other for instance.  Whilst people
have wrestled with these issues in the past, the imminent arrival of this
technology on a large scale into consumer markets creates new
opportunities, as well as an urgency to deal with aesthetic concerns:  What
are the compositional issues, given that we may be dealing with
audio-visual artefacts; what is the meaning of performance of such
artefacts; what tools exist or need to be developed for such composition
and performance; what is our experience of good (and bad) practice in this
field; what is our attitude to  new consumer 'products' which could be
distributed on an unprecedented scale over the Internet?  These are
examples of the aspects which we would like to explore in this issue of
'Organised Sound', especially in relation to our established sphere of
interest concerning electroacoustic music.

We welcome papers describing  installations, compositional, performance and
pedagogic approaches, environments, tools and artistic experience in this
field.  We also particularly welcome tutorial and student papers relating
to this enterprise. 

Contributors are encouraged to propose sound examples which may be included
in the annual CD to be released with this issue. The editors will
particularly welcome submissions from student contributors.

As always, any submission relating to other music and technology topics are
welcomed by the Editors.


Articles and other material for the editors' consideration should be
submitted by September 1 1998. If submitted in hard copy, three copies
should be posted to:

	The Editors,
	Organised Sound,
	Department of Contemporary Arts,
	Crewe and Alsager Faculty,
	Manchester Metropolitan University,
	Hassall Road,
	ST7 2HL,

EMail submissions should be mailed to:


Notes for Contributors can be obtained from the Editors or from the
Organised Sound Web site:


Co-Editors: Ross Kirk, Leigh Landy, Tony Myatt, Richard Orton

Corresponding Editors:
	Lelio Camilieri, Daniel Oppenheim, Miller Puckette,
	Barry Truax, David Worrall.

International Editorial Advisory Board:
	Francois Bayle, Peter Castine, Alcedo Coenen,
	Francis Dhomont, Simon Emmerson, Rajmil Fischman,
	Takayuki Rai, Jean-Claude Risset, Francis Rumsey,
	John Rimmer, Conrado Silva, Christiane Ten-Hoopen,
	Daniel Teruggi, Jukka Tiensuu, Trevor Wishart,
	Iannis Xenakis.

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Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 16:58:46 +0100
From: Richard Dobson 
Organization: Composers Desktop project
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To: Eric Scheirer 
Cc: csound 
Subject: Re: compiler
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Arrgh! It's the dreaded 'p' word again. We see these remarks regularly, but with
little or no specifics. Just what algorithms are protected by patents? In what
form?  If CDP sells an ActiveMovie-based application, which supports plugins,
and includes the soon-to-be-developed plugin for Csound (itself for no charge,
if under the GNU licence), which has various waveguide opcodes, will we be
infringing patents? Come to that, if we merely include the current version of
Csound with our distribution, as we always have done up to now, are we
infringing patents? Will the plugin have to be a waveguide-free zone? Is fm
still patented? Which waveguide algorithms in particular are patented? Is the
'idea' of the waveguide patented, or just someone's particular implementation? 

I really don't know who to complain to (sorry, Csounders), but it is enormously
style-cramping to not know what is covered by patents and what is not. It does
not help when one reads comments (even in source code) which say 'some of this
may be covered by patents, but I'm not sure... here it is anyway...'. 

It reminds me of the Macchiavellian games where you have to go from A to B,
within a certain time, and you are told 'one of these fields is mined, But we
won't tell you which one...'

Richard Dobson

Eric Scheirer wrote:
  But for other parts of MPEG-4
> you'd have to respect patent rights, while there's no patent
> protection we're currently aware of on the Structured Audio parts.
> We've purposely tried to keep it that way, which is why (for
> example) there's no built-in waveguide opcode.

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Date: Fri, 10 Jul 1998 19:08:32 +0300
From: Matti Koskinen 
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To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: new versions of tk-script csound-tools
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I've placed new versions of rain (gif-image to csound converter) and
tk-score ( a simple tool 
for creating  csound scores) on URL http://www.sci.fi/~mjkoskin.
These work under Linux or Win95. 

The command-line version of rain is in progress.

