| I know I'm speaking to a whole lot of folks who have little cash (a club
of which I have long been a member), but anyway, I need some advice and
probably ya'll stand to know this better than anyone else.
I'm about to finally buy Ensoniq's Paris, a hard disk, software
recording studio with audio interface and very nice external hardware
control panel. This is going to cost me around $4,000 (including some
other gadgets--like a large external hard drive--that I have to buy). A
big expense. Are there any problems with it that you have heard about?
Any complaints or concerns?
I know, for instance, that it doesn't have sequencing software of its
own and very little third-party support as of yet (being still brand
new). Hopefully the second of those at least is being corrected even as
we speak . . . ?
My main purpose for buying it is to record live audio and mix it with
Csound or other digital files. This would give me a lot more control
over how my music is represented to my adoring public and cut down on
recording studio costs (which I basically can't afford).
Any comments, in private or on list, would be more than welcome.
Carlton Joseph Wilkinson