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Re: sorry, more on piano etc

Date1999-06-19 11:47
FromTobias Kunze
SubjectRe: sorry, more on piano etc

> you tried to render a MIDI file using Bossendorfer's samples.

Now, that's misspelling number 7 (I counted!) of this name.
For all of you who have never sat in front of one, be it 
known that the piano lid says in big (ugly) letters

    B  รถ  s  e  n  d  o  r  f  e  r

Not Bossendorfer or Bosendrofer or all the other variants. The
thingy with the two dots on it is an O umlaut.  It is pronounced
like the "eu" in french "bleu".

Just to lessen the degree of ignorance in the world :)