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Re: Frequency Shifting & Hilbert Transforms

Date1999-03-12 11:14
FromRoger Klaveness
SubjectRe: Frequency Shifting & Hilbert Transforms
Will this do the trick ?

Roger Klaveness

; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ssb.orc
;  An implementation of a Hilbert-transformer frequency shifter.
;  Roger Klaveness , March 1999


gisintab ftgen 0,0,4096,10,1

zakinit 2,1

;diskin stereo
instr 1

 iamp =p4
 ipitch =p5  
 ifil =p6
 ioffset = p7 
 izakl =  p8
 izakr = p9

 al,ar diskin ifil,ipitch ,ioffset
 zaw iamp*al,izakl
 zaw iamp*ar,izakr


;diskin mono
instr 2

 iamp =p4
 ipitch =p5  
 ifil =p6
 ioffset = p7 
 izak =  p8

 adisk diskin ifil,ipitch ,ioffset
 zaw iamp*adisk,izak


;ssb instrument
instr 10
 idur = p3 
 iamp = p4
 ienvtab = p5
 ipitchtab = p6 
 izak = p7

 kenv oscili iamp,1/idur,ienvtab 
 kpitch oscili 1,1/idur,ipitchtab ;sin

 asinmod oscili 1,kpitch,gisintab
 acosmod oscili 1,kpitch,gisintab,0.25

 ain zar izak

 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------
 ; Hilbert transform, 11-order FIR
 igain =     1.570796327

 axv0 init 0
 axv1 init 0
 axv2 init 0
 axv3 init 0
 axv4 init 0
 axv5 init 0
 axv6 init 0
 axv7 init 0
 axv8 init 0
 axv9 init 0
 axv10 init 0

 axv0 = axv1
 axv1 = axv2
 axv2 = axv3
 axv3 = axv4
 axv4 = axv5
 axv5 = axv6
 axv6 = axv7
 axv7 = axv8
 axv8 = axv9
 axv9 = axv10
 axv10 = ain/igain;

 ahilb = .0160000000 * (axv0 - axv10) + .1326173942 * (axv2 - axv8) + .9121478174 * (axv4 - axv6)
 ; ------------------------------------------------------------------

 amod1 = ahilb*asinmod
 amod2 = ain*acosmod

 outs amod2-amod1,amod1+amod2


; ------------------------------------------------------------------
;  ssb.sco

f1 0 1024 -10 1 2 4 1 3 ;ssb-pitch
;f1   0   256 -7 5 128 3000 128 0 ;ssb-pitch
f2   0   256 -7 0 28 1 200 1 28   0 ;amp

;       amp pitch fil offset zakl zakr
i1 0 30 1   1     5   0      1    2

;   start dur amp envtab pitchtab zak
i10 0     30  1   2      1        1

Sean Costello wrote:
> Hi all:
> I may have already asked this before, but I can't remember any specific
> answers.
> Is there a way to do frequency shifting in Csound?  By that, I mean
> single-sideband amplitude modulation, where only one of the modulation
> sidebands is heard (unlike ring modulation, where both of the sidebands
> are heard).  I would think that this could be accomplished with a phase
> vocoder, by adding a fixed offset to every component, but I am not sure
> how to do this in Csound.
> In the analog realm (and in the digital implementation used in the
> Hyperprism plug-in from Arboretum), frequency shifting uses a Hilbert
> Transform as an integral part of the process.  Does anyone know if an
> orchestra exists for implementing this? If not, I might work on
> developing a Hilbert opcode - it should be fairly straightforward,
> although it would be nice to have both an FIR and IIR implementation.
> Mind you, I am still not great at programming C...
> Also, on a related note, anyone here have experience with DIPT?
> Thanks,