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Re: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?

Date1999-03-15 07:51
FromJens Kilian
SubjectRe: Csound Performance on Multiprocessor Intel Systems?
> Overclock a Celeron 300A to 450MHz (or in some cases 464 MHz) using a BX
> motherboard and add a cpu cooling fan. That's the cheapest you can get
> and it's _very_ reliable.

As I keep telling people: A processor rated for 300MHz is a processor which
has ALREADY failed at 450MHz, during the final test at the fab.

mailto:jjk@acm.org                 phone:+49-7031-14-7698 (HP TELNET 778-7698)
  http://www.bawue.de/~jjk/          fax:+49-7031-14-7351
PGP:       06 04 1C 35 7B DC 1F 26 As the air to a bird, or the sea to a fish,