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moscil not responding to krate values

Date1999-01-28 16:50
FromDave Phillips
Subjectmoscil not responding to krate values

Csound Version: (unofficial)
OS: Linux
OS_Ver: kernel 2.0.36
Sound_Card: PAS16, MQX32M
Sound_Driver: OSS/Free 3.5.4

In the following code the MIDI output is only the first value for knum,
the linseg envelope has no effect on moscil output. A similar orc/sco
for the midion (formerly kon) opcode works fine.

The command-line used is:

  csound -Q0 -o devaudio missle2.*

where '-o devaudio' is to act as an output throttle.

;;; missle2.orc
         sr = 44100
         kr = 441
         ksmps = 100
         nchnls = 1
         instr   1
 kchan   =       1
 knum    linseg  p5,p3/2,p6,p3/2,p7
 kvel    linseg  p4,p3/2,p4*2,p3/2,p4
 kdur    =       p3
 kpause  =       0
         moscil  kchan, knum, kvel, kdur, kpause
;;; missle2.sco
 ;inst  start length kvel  knum1 knum2 knum3
 ;p1    p2    p3     p4    p5    p6    p7
 i1 0.00 3.00 40 56 80 66

== Dave Phillips
