| yea it's me again.
ok I got the program running but know it won't write.wav files
isn't that the point?
I get the .orc and .sco files but from the documentation i assume it
execute in Csound and write the .wav file as well. I cannot get the use
of JMF
to hear the sound either. I think I have it installed write
who can help me and Win98?????????
Don Quinn wrote:
> Aha! I see from your '\' directory delimiter you're not using a flavor
> Unix. I really don't know from Microsoft. But -- First I add the
> JDK1.1.6/bin directory to my PATH variable, then cd to HPKCompose (the
> directory that contains the subdirectory 'images'. I run the
> script (.batfile) from there.
> On Sun, 18 Oct 1998, threedegree wrote: |