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Date1998-10-28 00:38
um, this landed in my box. seems destined for the list. -tolve

>Resent-From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
>Resent-Date: 27 Oct 1998 14:17:46 +0000
>Resent-To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
>Date: Tue, 27 Oct 1998 17:11:11 +0530
>From: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
>To: jpff@maths.bath.ac.uk
>Subject: Re:Silence (Hi, John ! fwd to Csnd please)
>X-Priority: 3 (Normal)
>Source-Info:  From (or Sender) name not authenticated.
>Sender: owner-csound-outgoing@maths.ex.ac.uk
>Precedence: bulk
>Hi All,
>If anyone manages to get Silence version 3.1 beta 2 up and running on a
>PowerMac system 8.1,
>could you please let me know ?
>Also, anyone have Algo-comp info ?
>I'm having no luck searching on the web.
>I'm  looking for a mailing list about Algorithmic composition,
>I think there is one called Algo-Comp.
>Could someone point me in the right direction/give me
>instructions ?