| Hidyho Csounders,
If you are like me then you have been busy decorating the outside of your
house with cob-webs, skeletons, dummies, transforming the front yard into a
graveyard, installing motion sensor triggered special effects, smoke
machines, black lights and strobe lights. No Halloween house would be
complete without some spooky sound effects.
First go pick some spooky sounds from your local internet haunted sound
This is a good start but mono sounds are not going to cut it for Halloween.
You want owls hooting in the tree above your head, wolves howling all around
you, cackling witches whizzing past on broomsticks, organs playing in a
cathedral and beasts trying to bite your head off.
Now you can animate those dull lifeless Halloween sounds with my handy-dandy
spatial audio generator to make truly bone-chilling, spine-tingling effects.
Merely insert your soundin.? file into the spatializer, specify x, y
coordinate paths and let your sounds come alive:
; Spatial Audio
; Coded by Hans Mikelson October 1998
; This spatial audio system included the following features:
; 1. Moving sound source with table supplied moving X and Y coordinates
; 2. Volume decreases as 1/r^2
; 3. Filtering of sound due to air absorption
; 4. Doppler effect due to moving sound
; 5. Simplified HRTF for head shadow filtering
; 6. Inter ear time delay
; 7. Speaker cross-talk cancellation based on both inter ear time delay &
head shadowing
zakinit 30,30
; Disk Input Mono
instr 4
iamp = p4
irate = p5
isndin = p6
ioutch1 = p7
ain1 diskin isndin, irate
zawm ain1, ioutch1
; Disk Input Stereo
instr 5
iamp = p4
irate = p5
isndin = p6
ioutch1 = p7
ioutch2 = p8
ain1, ain2 diskin isndin, irate
zawm ain1, ioutch1
zawm ain2, ioutch2
outs ain1*iamp, ain2*iamp
; Spatial Audio
; Coded by Hans Mikelson October 1998
instr 11
idur = p3 ; Duration
iamp = p4 ; Amplitude
iexl = p5 ; Fixed left ear location X coordinate
iexr = iexl+.23 ; Fixed right ear location X coordinate
iey = p6 ; Fixed ear location Y coordinate (facing +Y
isxtab = p7 ; Moving source table for X coordinate in m
isytab = p8 ; Moving source table for Y coordinate in m
iinch = p9 ; Audio input channel
ihrtabl = p10 ; Head shadowing filter for left ear
ihrtabr = p11 ; Head shadowing filter for right ear
imax = 500 ; Maximum delay time in ms
ipi = 3.14159265 ; Pi
ics = .333 ; Approx. speed of sound in m/ms
kamp linseg 0, .002, iamp, idur-.004, iamp, .002, 0 ; Declick
ksx oscil 1, 1/idur, isxtab ; Moving Source X
ksy oscil 1, 1/idur, isytab ; Moving Source Y
ksmexl = ksx-iexl ; Delta X left
ksmexr = ksx-iexr ; Delta X right
ksmey = ksy-iey ; Delta Y
kdistl = sqrt(ksmexl*ksmexl+ksmey*ksmey) ; Distance from
left ear to source
kdistr = sqrt(ksmexr*ksmexr+ksmey*ksmey) ; Distance from
right ear to source
kdistlnz= (kdistl==0 ? 1 : kdistl) ; Avoid divide by
zero problem
kdistrnz= (kdistr==0 ? 1 : kdistr) ; Avoid divide by
zero problem
kangl = cosinv(ksmexl/kdistlnz) ; Get the
magnitude of the angle (0 to Pi)
kangr = cosinv(ksmexr/kdistrnz) ; Get the
magnitude of the angle (0 to Pi)
ksmeynz = (ksmey==0 ? 1 : ksmey) ; Make sure it is
not zero
ksign = ksmeynz/abs(ksmeynz)/2/ipi ; Get the sign
kanglel = kangl*ksign ; Get the true
angle -Pi to Pi
kangler = kangr*ksign ; Get the true
angle -Pi to Pi
kdd4l = kdistl/4 ; Factor for
distance and air absorption
kdd4r = kdistr/4 ; Factor for
distance and air absorption
ain zar iinch ; Input audio
adoppl vdelay ain/(1+kdd4l*kdd4l), kdistl/ics, imax ; Volume decreases
as distance^2.
adoppr vdelay ain/(1+kdd4r*kdd4r), kdistr/ics, imax ; Volume decreases
as distance^2.
; arrival time is
delayed by speed of sound, doppler effect
afltail butterlp adoppl, 20000/(1+kdd4l) ; Air absorption
of distant sound
afltair butterlp adoppr, 20000/(1+kdd4r) ; Air absorption
of distant sound
khrtfl tablei kanglel, ihrtabl, 1, .5 ; Get the "poor
man's" HRTF for left ear
khrtfr tablei kangler, ihrtabr, 1, .5 ; Get the "poor
man's" HRTF for right ear
ahrtfl butterlp afltail, khrtfl ; Apply the filter
for head shadowing left ear
ahrtfr butterlp afltair, khrtfr ; Apply the filter
for head shadowing right ear
asctcl butterlp ahrtfl, 8000 ; Simplified head
shadowing for speaker cross-talk
asctcr butterlp ahrtfr, 8000 ; Simplified head
shadowing for speaker cross-talk
asctcdl delay asctcl, .0003 ; Speaker
cross-talk cancellation delay left
asctcdr delay asctcr, .0003 ; Speaker
cross-talk cancellation delay right
outs (ahrtfl-asctcdr)*kamp, (ahrtfr-asctcdl)*kamp ; Cancel
speaker cross-talk and ouput
zacl iinch, iinch ; Clean up the zak
; Sta Dur Amp Pitch SoundIn OutCh
i4 0.0 2.61 0.0 1 1 1
i4 3.0 1.52 0.0 1 3 2
i4 4.0 4.38 0.0 1 2 1
i4 8.0 1.86 0.0 1 4 1
i4 6.0 5.44 0.0 1 5 2
f4 0 1024 -7 16000 128 12000 384 3000 128 8000 256 20000 256 16000 ; HRTF
f5 0 1024 -7 8000 128 3000 384 12000 128 16000 256 20000 256 8000 ; HRTF
f10 0 1024 -7 12 512 25 512 15 ; Moving Source X
f11 0 1024 -7 7 256 7 256 8 256 9 256 15 ; Moving Source Y
f12 0 1024 -7 18 512 23 512 15 ; Moving Source X
f13 0 1024 -7 18 256 9 256 8 256 9 256 15 ; Moving Source Y
; 2D Echos
; Sta Dur Amp EarX EarY SourceX SourceY InCh HRTFL HRTFR
i11 0.0 10.0 .5 20 10 10 11 1 4 5
i11 3.0 10.0 .5 20 10 10 12 2 4 5