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Date1998-12-16 13:44
FromMichael Gogins
What about MP3, which is arousing considerable controversy because thousands
of MP3 sites exist, Diamond Multimedia now makes a hardware MP3 player, and
the record industry is trying to kill it with a competing copy-protected,
encrypted format?

Do any of us download and/or listen to MP3s?

Do any of us have MP3 files of pieces on the web, either for sale or to give

Does MP3 sound really good? Is it really adequate for complex music?

What are our plans to distribute, publish, or make money off our music?

What would we LIKE to be able to do with our music on the Web? Do we want to
handle all middle-man functions ourselves, or do we want someone to take on
the role of a record company, even if they just manage a Web site and broker

What about our friends who make other kinds of music (pop, straight
"classical" for live players, jazz, traditional) and their attitudes/plans
for MP3?

As for myself, since I don't have a publisher or a record company, I'm
planning to put up complete pieces as MP3 files on the Web as advertisement
and promotion until I do make a CD (I never will have a publisher!).

Date1998-12-17 15:32
FromRobin Whittle
SubjectRe: MP3
Regarding compression of audio and music marketing, please see three 
new pages of my site:

Tests of MP3, AAC and TwinVQ lossy compression:


Tests of various lossless compression algorithms:


Music marketing in the Age of Electronic Delivery:


All pages have links to relevant sites.

- Robin


Robin Whittle     rw@firstpr.com.au  http://www.firstpr.com.au
                  Heidelberg Heights, Melbourne, Australia 

First Principles  Research and expression: music, Internet 
                  music marketing, telecommunications, human 
                  factors in technology adoption. Consumer 
                  advocacy in telecommunications, especially 
                  privacy. Consulting and technical writing. 

Real World        Electronics and software for music: eg.
Interfaces        the Devil Fish mods for the TB-303. 


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From: Denis Sevee 
To: csound@maths.ex.ac.uk
Subject: Linux + Csound + Laptop
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  Can anyone recommend a laptop (Pentium 233 or 266) that can run
Csound under Linux. My problem is that with the turnover rate
of laptops the models that I know for sure are compatible are no
longer produced. On the other hand I haven't been able to confirm 
which of the new and available models will run succesfully with
Linux. In these cases there seem to be questions about the
availability of Linux drivers for the sound chips or the video cards.  
I suppose it is true that such drivers will appear sooner or later
but I need this now. So, any recommendations?

  Denis Sevee 

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Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 10:30:44 -0500
Subject: Re: MP3
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On Wed, 16 Dec 1998  writes:
>What about MP3, which is arousing considerable controversy because 
>of MP3 sites exist, Diamond Multimedia now makes a hardware MP3 
>player, and
>the record industry is trying to kill it with a competing 
>encrypted format?
>Do any of us download and/or listen to MP3s?

I've listened to a few.

>Do any of us have MP3 files of pieces on the web, either for sale or 
>to give

Not yet--I would like to do this.  I'm not actually composing anything
yet, but I plan on it.

>Does MP3 sound really good? Is it really adequate for complex music?

This is a question I have played around with quite a bit.  I have heard
some pretty good ones.  Then again, it's a lossy compression format, and
I have heard some MP3s that had noticible artifacts.  I think it depends
on the type of music.

>What are our plans to distribute, publish, or make money off our 

For me, I would probably just distribute stuff for free on the internet
(for the purpose of promotion).  Then, if I can gain enough recognition
publish on CD (independently, or through a good label run by musicians
who won't pull a bunch of garbage).

>What would we LIKE to be able to do with our music on the Web? Do we 
>want to
>handle all middle-man functions ourselves, or do we want someone to 
>take on
>the role of a record company, even if they just manage a Web site and 

Well, I want to do it all myself.

>What about our friends who make other kinds of music (pop, straight
>"classical" for live players, jazz, traditional) and their 
>for MP3?

I'm a sophmore at Furman, and there is very little interest in anything
having to do with computers.  I'm not sure anyone else in our music
department has any clue about MP3s.

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Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 16:15:33 +0000
From: Tobiah 
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Subject: Re: RealTime effect proccessing.
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> THere's a hidden problem with this approach. Unless the crystal clocks
> on the two soundcards (the gadget that generates the 44100 kHz clock
> signal) are EXACTLY at the same frequency, you will notice that the
> latency between the cards drifts. 

This is so true. 

> Check out Ensoniq Audio PCI. My TB Malibu works well, too. Both are
> available for under $100 and have very good specs for such cheap
> hardware.

I bought Ensoniq Audio PCI on net for $55.  Alsa drivers for Linux support
card with ONE full-duplex device.  Csound now supports Alsa drivers directly,
and having a single device means that you can do input + ouput from/to DAC
at same time.  Just a bit too much latency for realtime effects, but still
good for testing dsp scores!


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Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 11:56:47 -0500 (EST)
From: Kevin Gallagher 
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To: Csound Discussion List 
Subject: MP3
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For my own web site, I find Apple Quicktime (.mov) format from
www.apple.com suits my needs very well.  PC users will need the pro
version ($29.99) but I think Mac users can convert files using the eval
version.  I record with CoolEdit or whatever in .aif or .wav format and
compress using "QDesign Music" on 24-bit.  I've had 600K sound files and
gotten them down to 89K Quicktime movie files.  It takes a while to
compress, but it's worth it.

You can also convert MIDI files to Quicktime movies easily.  As a web
designer, that way you have full control over what your listener hears and
you don't leave anything up to his soundcard.  It creates a QT Movie from
the MIDI data using the patches from (I think) the Roland SC55 Sound 
Canvas, which is a decent general purpose tone generator, IMHO.

They're also handy for embedding in a web page.  You can actually embed a
few on a page and click on them to play them simultaneously, which allows
for some pretty nifty interactive web design if you're into that sort of

I did one Csound project that I compressed with Quicktime, and it's on my
web site. I can see how maybe the loss in compression might bother some
people, particularly with really intense stuff.  But for acoustic things
and I'm sure a good bit of electronic music, I think Quicktime is pretty
darn good.  Excuse me if I sound like a commercial.

Come to think of it, did Apple design or at least assist with the design
of MP3 format?  I think I heard somewhere that they were involved and that
MP3 uses a lot of the same compression algorithms as Quicktime Movie
format.  Anybody know more about this?

				Kevin Gallager, kgallagh@astro.temple.edu
				Web - http://astro.temple.edu/~kgallagh

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From: David Boothe 
To: 'Elizabeth Lysinger' 
Cc: "Csound (E-mail)" 
Subject: RE: Csound and SMPTE...
Date: Thu, 17 Dec 1998 12:52:06 -0600
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Elizabeth Lysinger wrote:

> Is there any way to hook up Csound to SMPTE or some other form of 
> standard time code, so that the end product of the orc/sco 
> can be synced 
> up to video, without having it transferred to a soundfile or 
> DAT, first?  

It sounds like you may be talking about real-time Csound output?

I'm not really sure how successful trying to sync real-time output from
Csound to video or timecode would be. Three problems are:

1. To my knowledge, Csound has no way of slaving to, or otherwise
referencing timecode directly.

2. Lack of common clock reference between timecode and Csound would cause
drift over time, although depending on your soundcard and other equipment,
there are ways around this.

3. The ever-present latency issues. See several other threads on this list
about this topic.

If you are running Csound in real-time with MIDI control, I suppose you
could drive it with a sequencer which is slaved to timecode, but latency
would be a real problem, especially if you are running a software sequencer
on the same machine as Csound, and/or you have a complex orc/sco. I've never
tried it; I don't use MIDI. If you have a capable setup, it would certainly
be worth experimenting to see what the limits are. Please let us know what
you find out.

The only other usable approach I can think of, is what you apparently want
to avoid. Render Csound to disk, put the resultant AIFF or WAV file in an
editor (or on a tape) which can be synced to timecode, and place it wherever
you want it. We do this all the time.

There are a few fairly complex issues in either of these approaches, most of
which seem beyond the scope of this list. Feel free to contact me off-list
if you would like more technical detail.

Hope this helps.


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To: Hans Mikelson 
Cc: Csound List 
Subject: Re: MP3
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> Michael Gogins wrote:
> >Do any of us have MP3 files of pieces on the web, either for sale or to
> give
> >away?

	Well here's another give-away site: ,
with tracks I'm involved in, mostly on the house/electronica front.

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Date: Fri, 18 Dec 1998 09:52:49 +0100
From: Gabriel Maldonado 
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Subject: Re: MIDI again
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Kevin Gallagher wrote:
> I want to try.  My synthesizer (Roland GR30) allows a program change to be
> accompanied by a bank change (controller 0 or 32.)  Trouble is I can't
> send the bank change without also sending a program change, which causes
> Csound to crash.  If I can't USE program change messages, then is there at
> least an effective way to get Csound to IGNORE them? 

a way to eliminate program changes is to filter them. MidiLoopback 2.4 and later allows to
filter any midi message type, check it!

Happy Csounding!

Gabriel Maldonado


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Paul Winkler wrote:

>  But I've certainly been able to get good realtime
> output with a lot less than 0.1 second delay, on a Pentium 133... maybe
> I've gotten it down to 10 ms ? (I don't have any way to measure, I just
> go by what "feels" reasonable with a MIDI keyboard).

Same here. I work a lot (almost always lately)with RealTime MIDI inout/Wave Output
the latency problem (with DirectCsound2.1) is greatly reduced
and is sufficient for my needs.

> I wish you success with your quest! I'd like to see realtime processing
> as an option someday.
> --P

Tnx. It's probably just a matter of time 'till we get there.I feel that in the
last year or so, the "upgrade curve" for csound
has gotten very steep. That's great.
Maybe soon I will be able to use Csound (running on my Pentium330) as just another

real-time, versatile, programmable, original  instrument/effect in my home-studio
This is what I'm really looking for as a musician.
Program it - style it - fine tune it - HIDE it  & then JUST PLAY IT !

The minute it works that way - I can finally share some of my "creations";-)  with

friends who will be able to come and USE my instruments and then feedback.

well...... that's a whole different thread. anyway.
